Further Reading

Sunday 30 December 2007

Daily Merlin Insight

For Sunday 30th December 2007
Using Tarot of Atlantis
NZ: 9:45pm - 10:20pm

'A different pair of eyes' once more. A working to intuit the situations around Madeleine McCann ... stepping out of the square of the last few weeks. Disregarding the media spin and tabloid speculation. Resuming once more the RV hunt for the Shining Star who should be returned to her family. Using a tarot deck not excessively used in connection with the mystery. A fresh sense of resolve as "the hawk" soars once more ...all the hard crust of recent considerations falling away now ... with this divination aid insights are less likely to be side tracked by all the previous intuited impressions. Using a fresh means of making the connection is in a sense like making a new connection. Let me disregard all which has been said in recent weeks - not because it is wrong - but because it is the way I always seek a confirmation. Being the doubting Thomas time and time again with information ... I've developed an instinct to be careful and considerate. This disregarding of information is not an admission of being wrong ... on the contrary it is a deliberate means of forcing the information to be returned as a means of confirming it is indeed correct - I have received it correctly. A second receipt is usually when the information is passed forth to a client in a one-to-one consultation'

This working continues from the previous DMI ... with the 5 of Pentacles and the Knave of Chalices appearing on the left hand side of the working. Agencies observe and judge reactions it appear ... they 'blend in with the natives' and witness all which is being said and done. Undercover eyes and ears watch. There is a wariness to say anymore with regard to this situation. Something contrived ... reactions delicately changed and pushed along ... the tides of public reactions ... those seven seas ... most certainly ridden by a cunning vessel. The Queen of Pentacles significator of that scenario ... carried like the precious vase away from the real concerns with regard to the situation.

Those who took MM and hold MM are most certainly part of this covert operation. MM is sensed like a 'hostage' and an unwitting pawn used to bend and shape Joe Public's reaction.

The 8 of Chalices indicates the speculation which has graced the tabloids in recent months ... mainly fantasy and deception with so little truth to actual go on. Truth cleverly hidden .... 'give the public something to read' whilst we get down to business ... they know something is going on ... use this situation as the cover'

the 5 of Swords indicates the malicious deeds and the appalling crimes which Gerry & Kate have supposedly committed. I intuit most strongly this is pure fabrication part and parcel of the cover.

But where is MM and will she be returned? Can I intuit this from these impressions? I gaze across at the image of 'Strength' and see the familiar image of the proud Stag on the hillside once more ... the white hunter like herne ... in a barren landscape. My mind spans over the many miles to the places I have previously considered ... there is a resident of those shores who appears to truly know her whereabouts. A large estate with its own land ... where 'no questions are asked' where guests can come and go as they please. Diplomatic immunity means the eyes of intelligence will not see what they are meant to see ... thus there is every chance MM has indeed resided there. Indeed could still reside there. This man/family appears quite powerful as the 3 of Swords indicates almost a 'private army' or security force at this families disposal. The Knave of Swords suggests battle command and an initiative against what a group encompassing the McCanns stands for. Some deed which had to be dealt with in a clandestine operation to keep silent what research has unearthed. Nothing is 'final' with the situation. Negotiations are somewhere there in the melting pot. But it seems there is an impasse hence the apparent silence in the last few weeks ....