Further Reading

Sunday 2 December 2007

Ssh ... Let's Keep It Quiet eh?

It's all gone very quiet! The mystery has become even more mysterious. The symbolic path has led us right through the trees ... through the 'veil of speculated death' ... and thankfully out the other side. The 'DNA evidence' has turned out to be mere phantasms after all ...

Today represents a first for a while. No significant news headlines and little or no media speculation.

It is a preemptive breathing space. Thankfully for Kate, Gerry & their respective families there is a chance to have a long overdue breather from all the cruel and unfounded media reports which have been in the tabloid press for the last few months. Indeed since mid August 2007, things turned extremely hostile ... a real no man's land for all those close to the heart of the situation.... but thankfully now the media chariot has led us all to somewhere 'quiet'. A vale of reflection perhaps? But for how long? Is there another dose of 'Pinocchio Porkies' just around the corner? Or has the Pied Piper's entourage finally run out of steam?

Only time will reveal what is indeed on the trail ahead ... are we to be led by the gullible hand by the Pied Piper once more into the 'big bad wood' ... fearful again of the Nasty Wolf 'about to be revealed' (note the Pied Piperish drama in this statement.... it has always been this way since August ... things about to be revealed) or are we now in the clearing where things might be seen for what they really are .... ??

I've still got some Salt Pillars close by (and a few favourite novels too) ... but since I am the eternal optimist ... I am hoping neither will be needed ... along the next part of the 'magical mystery tour' trail.