Further Reading

Thursday 3 January 2008

'Big Machine's Parked ... but what is it?'

What you are about to see is quite remarkable. It seems that some of the stars above us are not stars at all...as you shall see. A young man by the name of John Lenard Walson has discovered a new way to extend the capabilities of small telescopes and has been able to achieve optical resolutions - at almost the diffraction limit - not commonly achievable. With this new-found ability, he has proceeded to videotape, night and day, many strange and heretofore unseen objects in earth orbit. The resulting astrophotographic video footage has revealed a raft of machines, hardware, satellites, spacecraft and possibly space ships which otherwise appear as 'stars'...if they appear at all.

There are, indeed, hundreds of satellites in Earth orbit, however, the images you will see are clearly of large and sizeable machines which have not been seen before.

Let's start with one such object in orbit as videotaped by John Lenard Walson. The image on the left is the International Space Station...the ISS...take a look...

Keeping that image and its relative size
appearance in mind, now ask yourself, what is this in the image on the right?...

And the explanation given by the Union Of Concerned Scientists apertaining to orbiting spacecraft and satellites in Earth orbit is that there are more than 800 active satellites currently in orbit. Amazingly, they represent four percent of the total number of objects currently cataloged by the U.S. space surveillance network; the rest includes abandoned satellites, spent rocket boosters, and other debris.

The United States owns more than 400 active satellites, just over 50 percent of all satellites. Russia and China have the second and third highest number of space assets, owning 89 and 35 satellites, respectively.

Civilian satellites, which perform tasks for the commercial, scientific, and government sectors, make up the majority of U.S. satellites. Russia's space assets are split nearly evenly between military and civil missions, though there are not separate military and civilian space programs. Only a very small percentage of other countries' satellites are military in nature.

So, what is John Lenard Walson videotaping with his proprietary telescope videocam technique? Are these just satellites and space junk? Or, are we seeing large and very sophisticated spacecraft for the first time that we AREN'T supposed to see?

In summary, what you have seen are spacecraft, and maybe even space ships, parked or stationed in orbit above the Earth. It's clear the major space powers are far more heavily-invested in space than they will admit.

As a reflection of that reality, there has been a lot of recent talk about 'anti-satellite' weapons 'needed' by competing countries to 'protect themselves.' Most recently, China has been discussing its anti-sat programs and even threatened to destroy or disable all GPS satellites which overfly Chinese territory.

Source: www.rense.com