Further Reading

Saturday 5 January 2008

Chiron, the Mature Spiritual Warrior

Chiron, a supposed visitor to our solar system, is rather unique. It has an ice tail like a comet, its small (400 kilometres across), but is not an asteroid. It’s not a planet either.

It travels in its own eccentric, individualistic and non-conformist orbit. It may have originated in the Kuiper Belt where Pluto resides – the birthplace of comets, and an area of the solar system that is capable of bridging the higher dimensions to Earth and the lower planes.

Some say it was ‘captured’ by the gravitational forces of our Sun and is here to serve a specific purpose. One day it may become free of its orbit and travel the vast unknown. Being so relatively near to the Sun compared to other comets, its ice will melt away much quicker. This suggests that Chiron hasn’t been around all that long. Time frames such as these are measured in millions of years.

‘Planetoid’ Chiron was discovered on 1 November 1977, at 10:00 am PST, from Pasadena, CA, on the date the Celtic calendar’s Hallowed Mass when the veil between worlds is lifted. While being trined by Saturn of form, squared by Mars of activated energy and initiation, sextiled by Jupiter and the Moon and in opposition to wise Pallas and to the Sun conjunct Uranus (forming a few Feminine Wedges), Chiron in peaceful Taurus made a care giving, altruistic and reciprocating quatranovile link of harmonic 9's to the North Node in balanced Libra conjunct penetrating, deep natured Pluto. "A Native American prophecy states that when the planet of Healing is discovered in the sky, the ancient sacred warrior teachings will return to the Earth. Enter Chiron.

"Chiron is reawakening teachings that have their origins in antiquity." (www.martinlass.com).

Thus was born the era of Chiron, the healing, multi-dimensional teacher, the sacred warrior and pioneering force that conjures up Divine knowledge through enlightenment and an acceptance of the present, the deeply meaningful truth. Chiron heals the rift between body and spirit. The timing of Chiron’s discovery in this final era on Earth is telling of his gifts. Many will fall short of comprehending, let alone perceiving or benefiting from his message, teachings and good will. Chiron is like Aquarius, being altruistic and free of ulterior motives. It is like Uranus, being eccentric and defiant of conformity, and like Saturn, being the teacher. Uranus and Saturn are the two ruling planets of paradoxical Aquarius.

Like Mercury, Chiron is of communication, but speaks to a different part of Humanity. The Buddha principle of returning to heal, teach and guide are echoed in Aquarius, Mercury and Chiron. Now that Chiron is in the like-minded sign of Aquarius, he can get through to all Humanity on a conscious level previously unattainable.

Planetoid / Comet Chiron's discovery by Charles Kowal on 1 November 1977 in California, being its ‘birth’ into Human awareness, became an astrological adult on 26 August 2007 when Saturn returns back to Chiron's ‘natal’ position. Just as there are spirits/devas/elementals within physical form, there are spirits of seasons, ideas and energy profiles.What I refer to as the ‘Chiron chart’ is the chart of this energy profile that is Chiron’s influence on Humanity. It can be viewed in much the same way as a person’s chart. Once Saturn completes its 29½-year cycle in a Human, they become ready to spiritually mature, and this event gives Chiron, and its influence on Humanity, a complete embodiment of Chiron's nature.

Essentially, Humanity will now be able to reap the matured fruits of Chiron's blessings that range from healing, introspection, helping others, teaching, solidifying selfless love and bridging the higher consciousness of mankind. Saturn is a teacher of lessons in life and Chiron is a teacher of the spiritual ways of the 'Sacred Warrior'.

Between them there is much to be learned. This will be brought to fruition with the Piscean Full Moon Total lunar Eclipse two days later, bringing focus to the evolution of mankind's spiritual relationship. Chiron’s influence has the Sun in Scorpio, allowing Chiron to deeply penetrate into the state of spirituality – the Human relationship with the innate spirit. Scorpio is also a Water sign and is fertile, nurturing, and transformative. With a Cancer Moon, the nurturing is profoundly entwined with the emotional aspect. With the Sun in parallel declination to Neptune, Chiron is able to connect with Humans in a deeper and subtler manner. Sun parallel Uranus makes for a restless, change orientated nature.

Mars, Moon and Jupiter all parallel make for an optimistic, progressive, assertive and highly enthusiastic nature, and Venus parallel north node creates a harmonious pattern of growth. Sun parallel Mercury places great importance on the mental faculty and the application of consciously directed developmental initiatives that offer others clarity of vision.

At the time when Chiron was discovered it was retrograding through peaceful Taurus and connected Jupiter retrograde conjunct the Cancer Moon through a supportive sextile that trined the Scorpio Sun - Uranus (exalted) conjunction in loose opposition to Chiron, forming a Feminine Earth and Water Wedge. Regenerative Jupiter is exalted, and the Moon is in dignity in nurturing Cancer, the 'womb', and the passively persuasive Wedge had a stable, sensitive and nurturing effect combined with the essence of the Scorpio Sun's ability to penetrate through the polarized outer shell of conscious awareness and receptivity. Chiron was closely square the Leo Mars, which was loosely square the Sun in opposition to Chiron, forming a Fixed T-square on Mars. Chiron also trined Saturn in the critical 29th (Anaretic) degree of tropical Leo, while in less than half a degree conjunction with fixed star Regulus, the 'Heart of the Lion', the 'Law Giver' and 'King of the four Royals' of the zodiac. (The other three royals being Formalhaut, Aldeberan and Antares). Regulus lies on the ecliptic plane, the 'solar ring of power', and Saturn of 'law' and form crystallized Chiron's birth into the conscious minds of Humanity with its pillar firmly rooted in the foundations of Regulus. The Anaretic degree of a sign is the weakest point and is known as the 'destroyer of form'. Chiron has a subtle, yet profound influence on the Human nervous system, working on levels largely beyond the physically bound conscious realms. Both Regulus and Saturn in this package manifested Chiron's influence through an appropriate medium.

In the late 70’s, alternative forms of healing, medicines and typically Eastern forms of spirituality began to find recognition in Western societies that were predominantly physically and materially orientated and listened to what they were told to do by the ‘powers that be’. Chiron’s entrance into the energy fields of the Earth realm stepped up the pace of the ‘revolution’, as it were. In a comparative chart of the Saturn return, Uranus of revolution forms challenging and agitating aspects with Chiron. Natal Chiron is semisquare transiting Uranus in Pisces (0°53’ orb) and natal Uranus is tightly square transiting Chiron in Saturn and Uranus ruled Aquarius (0°02’ orb). Both Uranus placements are in a loose trine formation, providing somewhat of a harmonious blending to favour the independent theme of spiritual evolution. (More ... )