Further Reading

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Dail Merlin Insight:: 7 and right?

For Wednesday 2nd January 2008
Using Tarot of Atlantis
NZ: 10:20pm - 11:02pm

"In two days time, on the 4th January 2008, the disappearance of MM will cross the threshold from '7' to '8' ... seemingly without an ending in sight ... therefore, the intention of this working is to intuitively explore the 7-8-9 sequence which was uncovered in numerous insights ... and to also determine a possible explanation for the clairaudient communications of '7' and 'right' which were received after one such insight some time in November 2007 ... indeed after the last intuitive exploration of the 7-8-9 sequence"

Music - 'Awakenings' by Tim Wheater

Commencing thus the insights without actually being aware of what will be written ... automatically dictating in response to an absent muse ... the music taking me off into a visualisation commencing with the familiar significator of the High Priestess. Someone safe and secure. Someone unlikely to be touched by an of the speculations and the insinuations. The lady appears smug and beyond the law in the imagery with her two favourite beasts by her side. It appears to be in her name that this entire affair is being undertaken. It is her minions who call the shots not her in person ... though she is well aware perhaps of all that occurs. A surprising person indeed. But it makes sense when all the jigsaw pieces are drawn together.

It appears there is some influence drawing the story away from the crucial parts keeping it in the public eye without actually letting on where the real investigation is at. The Hierophant sits close by ... looking on despite his incapacities to do much these days. This is a most distinguished man who may be retired now. The wounded healer indeed ... a former surgeon or highly experienced doctor who is now limited in the things he can do. He still has his mind and his ability to be consulted and pass judgement on so many things. He may well have set the sequence in motion. Set the ball in motion inadvertently perhaps. Passing judgement on something which resulted in someone to react in the wrong way. Someone not readily accepting the worthiness of risks who denied an idea or a notion. Despite the desperateness of someone's needs ....

The 8 of Wands and most surely the timescale will move into the 8 ... 4th January to the 3rd February ... the situation harmonising and stabilising all the while. Seemingly the climate improving for the family all the time. But no real significance with regard to finding their missing girl. The press no longer privy to any of the information indeed no-one .... as the silent running continues as it is so very real behind the scenes .... 2 of Wands depicts new developments occurring kept hidden under a glaze of secrecy. It appears something is occurring out of sight ... perhaps.

None of this relates however to 7-8-9 ... there is no sense of what the '7' of and 'right' was depicting ... the clear and audible words were most surely heard and not imagined. They have therefore a meaning and a reason behind the entities which made the effort to interface with the material plane. A man and a woman I intuit. Linked to the right path on the 7 is what I now sense ... a leading direction at this time ... the correct path to walk as now ... this is what is sensed and is visualised .... as now ... someone is acting and playing a part; playing a leading hand in the deception and their trail must be disregarded. She playing something false and being paid for the action. This is not the path to follow. Nor are the false accusations going to help ... they merely cloud further the path. The man and woman perhaps of Germanic descent ... listen. Their tale is more worthy and it should surface in all the evidence around this time. It may not shorten the time it will take until Madeleine is found but it straightens the path which is being deliberately made to go round and round. Someone is stalling for time ... treading water ... wasting time ... playing for time ... stalling it all. Putting hurdles in the way of a path which is so plain. Not to waste time in a place which is clearly not where she resides. All the adverts act like a warning for someone to lead her elsewhere and hence to another land ... be silent and unobserved and follow the right path given during the 7 ....

The Ace of Chalices indicates much more positive signals than what appear at this time ... the High Priestess is safe ... unthreatened ... influencing her forces to create diversions ... and false trails ... the 10 of Pentacles denotes a woman in a market examining cloth holding a young girl in her arms ... she is observed by someone ... she does not see but the eyes of the girl are fixed on the observer .... a possibility for progress but it may not even be reported 'officially' ...

There is a real sense the trail is close to the source. The stream in which the young salmon travels ... explored ... known perhaps by those who seek but hindered by the influence of some 'powerful' people.

The Knave of Chalices and the 5 of Swords once more ... malicious actions still against the McCanns. Someone still instructed to point the finger and swing the sword of Damocles.

The 6 of wands ... there is the struggle still of conflicting principles. Conflicting evidence and contradictory theories. This is the confusion which those behind this initially drew like a line in the dirt ... as necessary for the mystery. Drawing together all the forces of the media and the internet ... as a means to cloak this coded operation. Cast out the seeds then observe them as they come back. A covert observation of the pattern the seeds form. When the pattern matches that which the creators intended that is when Madeleine McCann will come home safe. Opposition to the deception appears to only prolong her return. Compliance with the deception appears to be the only way to ensure her quickest return. In truth, those devised the blueprint of the pattern appear to be deluded and under the influence of some fanatical cause ... something which motivates their each and every action. They are single minded in their vision ... and will not be easily distracted from their task. Any hope of covertly finding MM seem not to be possible ... the walls and the hills have ears and eyes .... all those around the core of the search seem to be two or three steps behind those who are best described as the perpetrators. Also, there seems to be 'actors' everywhere ...