Further Reading

Friday 4 January 2008

Daily Merlin Insight : The Empress & The Emperor

Using Servants of the Light tarot
For Friday 4th January 2008
NZ: 10:35pm - 11:05pm

'In the light of the recent speculation surrounding 'The Empress & The Emperor' .... the working is based on the insights gained around them .... with regard to the disappearance of MM.'

The images of the Empress & the Emperor placed initially within the working ... and a further six images chosen by usual means ...

The working 'presents' its insights from neither the 'pro' or the 'anti' perspective. They are what they are. A neutral viewpoint. On the right hand side of the working ... placed in the locality of 'possible future' is the 8 of Weapons or the significator of 'the elusive locality' ... unfortunately at this time the working suggests neither the Emperor or the Empress are looking in the correct direction. Their attention seems elsewhere. Above the head of the Emperor is the 'cage' of the Ten of Staves .... a pressure on his shoulders. A weight placed there by someone somewhere ... the opportunity created and undertaken suggested by the Four of Staves and the box of Pandora overturned. From this paradox there is indeed the inevitable feeling of being 'framed' or 'set up' ... indeed it is too far fetched to believe all 'the moonbeams' that they were responsible for the disappearance of their own child. From this neutral viewpoint it is possible to 'step outside of the square' and see the intended actions of the 'established strength of the three' signified by the Three of Staves; their 'new' business venture unfolding before our very eyes ... they who it seems felt quite uncomfortable by something 'researched' or 'undertaken' or 'uncovered' by a certain group of 'friends'.

The Emperor and The Empress are being mislead and misinformed. Like piggies in the middle ... unfortunate pawns given the 'mushroom treatment' ... deceived. The Giver of Staves is significant of certain key information provided ... not being provided at the time. Given too late. The Four of Staves are seemingly four branches of experts involved in this situation. All apparently at the disposal of the investigation. Skilled hands at this kind of thing plus all the countless thousands of others who are out there seeking MM ... there is no way that such a widespread 'looking for' could still not herald a positive result. Someone close to where the 8 of Weapons is ... appears to be deliberately leading the Emperor and the Empress away from that locality .... not towards it ... someone appears to be intentionally ensuring the positive end result is forestalled. Instructions from 'the inner sanctum' given to the 'four branches' ensures this cruel run around. It suits those who have taken for it to continue this way. It suits them too that the finger is pointed at the McCanns and all believe that fable. They may be guilty of a few things ... including more about the true investigation than they are permitted to say ... but they are not guilty of the sad demise of their little girl. Besides ... I still very much sense MM is very much alive even after all this time.