Further Reading

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Daily Merlin Insight: "The Legendary Tapas 9 once more"

T r a n s c r i p t
For Wednesday 9th January 2008
Using the Navigators of the Mystic Sea tarot
NZ: 10:25pm - 11:10pm

'In the light of the current media speculations, the working comprises the insights gained from another focus on the "legendary" Tapas 9 and their alleged vow of silence ....'

Let us 'examine' what is behind the so called secrecy (if anything) once more. The 'results' of this working may or may not be concurrent with previous workings undertaken on this subject ....

The phrase 'The Tapas 9' has a ring to it similar to the famous movie classic 'The Magnificent Seven' .... there is so much media speculation and representation around these nine professionals on holiday in Portugal .... very theatrical and mysterious .... deliberately so to be in keeping with the mystery created by someone somewhere ... IMO

Intuition is seemingly commencing the 'task' of knitting together a common purpose or common 'research' which all of these individuals might share. There is a sense of solidarity with this group and the essence of loyalty and sticking together ... but it seems to be more significant than covering up the accidental loss of a child ... that does not vibrate correctly as the reason for solidarity. There is NO vibration of a child being lost. There is the sense of so many intelligent minds joined together as a collective consciousness. So much influence and so much responsibility. Held in high regard by clients and patients ... all seemingly focussed on the same thing prior to May 2007 .... a regular group and regular gatherings. Someone somewhere has apparently exploited this ... not the action of a predator which hints at not fear .... the someone somewhere is in truth fearful of members of this group ... therefore the exploitation appears to be because someone is concerned what members of this group have access to perhaps? The prior decision weeks before May 2007 vibrates here too all around the Nine ... but not from within the group ... but from around the outside of the circle ... like it is a circle of protection drawn around what is collectively drawn together within their circle .... I sense here the group may have been under attack from someone somewhere ... perhaps?

Remember ... to the sceptical world ... anything of this nature can at best be viewed as pure speculation or a good guess at best if anything is proven to be correct .... but within the working the small shell has been unearthed at the centre of the working ... is the Nine part of the shell of something much bigger ... the shell or encasement which conceals something not to be known by the public (at this time) ... there most certainly seems to be research here and a breakthrough made that has troubled some big fish out there. Might the shell be the very thing they have created ... someone has mastered the means of creating a shell within an IVF or conception technique? Some stroke of genius that can utilise eggs from donor or mother than can be used as a shell to aid in the conception of a foetus? it may be a million miles away or just wanton speculation ... but the three stones within the centre of the working ... are all joined together ... the central stone somehow the bridge between the other two ... some sense that the 6 of Swords ... the 'ascendancy' of a technique ... perhaps the technique was undertaken against the wishes of someone somewhere ... and all the swords of Damocles pointed at this group are as a result of foolhardiness ....

Moving on ... the Magician to the left of the 6 of Swords ... hints at the genius of these medical professionals ... an act of synthesis over a period of time ... in seemingly disconnected parts of the world. Their influences and experiences all part and parcel of something? The King Of Pentacles indicates a financial backing or client of some kind within the echelons of 'spheres of influence' ... who requires these techniques to be under a shroud of secrecy because of the controversial nature of the arts ... the 'Suspension' image at the top left suggests the hidden aspect of the works ...

The Death card DOES NOT denote the death of a little girl. It does not say harm as befallen MM. It indicates purely and simply the apparent transformative nature of clandestine research and 'truths' behind the mystery if they were to become public knowledge. There has to be a period of 'wearing in' before the information can become accepted. Something appears 'pre-emptive' here or 'jumping the gun' ... the sense that it is something premature in being revealed or undertaken that has sparked it all off. Even though it seems the activities of the group could have been observed for some time ...

The Page of Wands denotes the 'campaign' to find MM ... and the mystery surrounding it. The Ten of Wands indicates the oppression put on the shoulders of the group especially Gerry & Kate McCann. Wands are linked to the actions of the magician ... a different magician ... the someone somewhere who has waved his own 'magic wand' .... summoning his own web of influences to make Kate & Gerry suffer the consequences ....

It seems the Seven of Pentacles hints that the King Of Pentacles has pulled out of the situation ... washing his hands of the 'research' ... now out in the open within the elitist community ... the 'backer' cannot be seen as being linked to this group.

The 4 of wands ... depicts the unicorn before a large crescent moon in the background ... two figures in the foreground are seen to delight in their own company .... there are four wands between them and the unicorn ... indeed the wands appear to be part of a number which surround them. There is indeed more to this situation than meets the eye. Or is this all just the mere speculation of a 'mystic' after all ....

There does however appear to be a "maximum period' for this mystery to continue. There are also a number of high level meetings between key factions occurring behind the scenes. Scripts and parchments hastily rewritten ...

In the foreground of the Page of Wands is a fire salamander being transformed by the trial of fire. The wands in the image appear like certain key events to pop up out of the ground like a mole popping up out of its maze of secret tunnels? There is certainly a contrived nature to parts of this situation ... certain events to occur ... certain points to be made ... concealment of a real investigation.

Unfounded shall be any 'charges' made in future days ... as necessary as air to breathe ...
A hunter hunts but does not stalk the ones in the public's eye .. this is just for 'effect' ....