Further Reading

Thursday 3 January 2008

Daily Merlin Insight: A look at Location

For Thursday 3rd January 2008
Using Servants of the Light tarot
NZ: 10:05pm - 11:15pm

'A look at the possible location of the Shining Star at this time ... a working to intuit where she is most likely located.'

The working comprises the choosing of three images for each of the possible locations below and an intuited interpretation of the images in order to establish any insights with regard to where the Shining Star is being kept hidden at this time .... the tarot pack shuffled and split into three piles. The central pile always chosen and three images picked from the pile


The Tower
2 of Staves
2 of Crescents

The Tower indicates communications by word of mouth for some reason. An odd insight to receive. However it is recorded as part of the working. The tower not symbolic but indicative of a structure in ruins sighted by RV. It appears to have had recent reconstruction work around it at this time. But why this is sensed seems not to be related to the current location of MM at this time.

2 of Staves - transference from land to sea or sea to land. A change in mode of transport. A change of hands of something too ... not necessarily a person. Symbolising co-operation but of what is not truly relevant here. The working is also a doorway to receiving information of possible relevance. Those these snippets may not relate to France at all ... as it appears unlikely she is in France at this time ... the information has perhaps relevance after all; out of sequence the information comes forth to made sense of in an overview of this working. Co-operation between mercy and absolute justice has been outlined here. Two or three woman in a group in discussion. One makes the decision and picks up a telephone?

2 of Crescents - a crescent moon seen over an expanse of water ... perhaps denoting a journey over water at night ... however there is a sense of wariness of the two faces to the moon. At the time of the quarter moon ... read the opposite into what is perhaps written or said. Possibly a journey made taking the shining star close by to the border or coastline of France?


The Devil
10 of Crescents
Prime of Weapons

With the appearance of 'the flaming sword' it might be easy to assume this indicative of some chance of MM being in Spain at this time. However. First intuited thoughts was 'decoy' for there is indeed many eyes which are looking for her at this time. The campaign and the dedication of people who genuinely care, both in the local population and the ex-pat community, appears to have created much in the way of regular searches in places within Spain. There will be undoubtedly many false alarms. Many false trails. Hopes raised and dashed. The sword represents the light of truth in some way and quoting from the book of meanings 'it is that which pierces the veil and finds a sheath' ...

10 of Crescents - do not lose hope as one of the 'vessels' which rides the oceans of 'human emotion' will actually carry news which will be the truth. At this time intuition says no to Spain as the current locality of the shining star but it is not beyond the realms of possibility that it will be in Spain where she is 'found'.

The Devil - bears the Hebrew letter of 'Ayin' which is the eye ... the eyes can be deceived. Illusion pure and simple at this time. Working on innermost fears. With so much time dragging along since she was made to disappear ... it is natural human reaction to fear the worst. Again a snippet of insight seemingly out of sequence. Fear appears to be the key as to why it is taking so long for any word or anything 'solid' ... two person's bound by the 'tyranny' of a law of another land means they cannot say a single thing. The rulership of the Devil trump is the stubborness of Capricorn. Those who bind the man and the woman to the law of this other land are reluctant to let them be unshackled for fear of them saying what they know. Hence the silent running.


Two of Weapons
Wheel of Fortune
Giver of Crescents

Two of Weapons and the balance of temporal and military power. Appearing perhaps to represent two answers to the same question or situation. Two points of view to debate or from which to choose. It offers a choice. If the wrong path is chosen then someone somewhere has to suffer the consequences. It clearly indicates a parting of the ways between people or between a person and their work. Odd insights here ... clearly two destinations could well have been considered or perhaps, how can someone be in two places at one time? Confusion adding a real twist to it all?

Wheel of Fortune ... a roll of a wheel involving representatives of 'the eagle', 'the bull' and 'the lion' ... some kind of campaign. Insights why Portugal was clearly chosen at the time? But now ... no sense of the Shining Star there at all.

Giver of Crescents - someone signified by the face of the moon calling the shots ... an untouchable face it appears ... passing on its instructions to the figure who rides the 'vessel of the emotional seas' .... watched and witnessed by the hooded observer on the shore who is powerless to prevent what is taking place. A multi-faceted mechanism of deceit. The giver is a woman easily influenced by others .. full of dreams and plans.

However, above all else, I intuit the Shining Star is probably not in Portugal at this time.


Prime of Weapons
Three of Crescents
Three of Staves

'Decoys to distract' ... hence the clairsentience felt with the last Prime of Weapons and the feeling of decoy. The trail appears to be warm here as tiny needles of heat are sensed touching my levels of awareness. A wariness indeed as it seems not to be in the game plan for her locality to be known. Keep it safe at all cost. It is imperative it is not gleaned at all. A concealment of her safety ... she is most definitely alive. No other sensation comes forth here. Not once in the 8 months since 3rd May 2007 has there been one insight into her being anything but alive. Other coincidences and other synchronicities in this time have occurred which give me the total confidence to accept this overwhelming sensation.

Three of Crescents - the birth card - one of three crescents ... the first observed as being chosen by the hand reaching out of the water. Indeed her birth does seem to be of great relevance to someone at this time. Her life is of prime importance. There is a necessity to cloak the situation with whatever speculation possible to disguise what it is appertaining to. It is specifically the Shining Star who was 'needed' by someone.

Three of Staves - is the image of 'established strength. A trump which is a definite asset for a querent who is considering setting up in business with a partner as it symbolises co-operation and friendship within the partnership. A chance of expansion.

In a lodge or temple, one priest working with two priestesses or one priestess with two priests will always create the most power working through a ritual. There is a group of three involved here who appear to reside normally in UK or Ireland.


The Emperor
Three of Spheres
Eight of Spheres

The Emperor - the insights here with the appearance of this recogniseable significator suggests that someone somewhere clearly wishes GM to think that MM is in Morocco in the worst scenario possible. It is the formation of fear and the swinging of the sword of Damocles. This act in the mystery is directed at GM by some unscrupulous minds for maximum effect. A little like saying this 'is what we could have done' if we so wished.

The 3 of Spheres relates perhaps to the continued announcement via the tabloids that MM is in the mountains of Morocco with a carer ... held there for the use of a sick pedo ring ... it is generated to try to enforce fear. It does seem in truth to be myth at this time. However the 8 of Spheres suggests the 'basket of opportunities' which those in control do have. They have involvement in those shady places for sure .... but like the 2 of Crescents elsewhere ... there is a double meaning here ... two faces to this ... another reason for those shady places to have been brought to the attention. Intuition does not sense MM in Morocco at this time.