Further Reading

Saturday 5 January 2008

Daily Merlin Insight: The Shining Star

For Saturday 5th January 2008
Using Servants of the Light
NZ: 10:20pm - 11:10pm

'Insights relating to circumstances around the Shining Star at this time ... to intuit her current state of mind and to assess her possible locality.'

The image of The Star is placed at the centre of the working prior to commencement. Music is by Dik Darnell - 'Following The Circle'

The working does not seemingly reveal anything of significance of first viewing. The sense of a brick wall is in truth the first thing which is intuited ... which in a sense is something. The locality of MM is most certainly being concealed so carefully. Those who are in control of the situation are not giving anything away. No amateurs hands at play here. No random taking. No opportunist. Someone had calculated this situation over some considerable time. Organised ... observations ... time ticking down .... orders given ... then the insistence of this mystery continuing regardless of the cold feet some of the 'numbers' had. This has all however been said before in other insights and other ways. It does not seemingly aid in the quest for MM. However, I do also get the sense once more that she is 'not meant to be found' and 'she will be returned' when that time arrives. It will be despairing for her family perhaps to read these words ... I like them would search and search against all the odds ... not giving up; fighting on despite all the accusations ... but it seems that which they encounter is very determined to keep her out of sight until they decide when she can be made to reappear. She is safe .... I sense that most strongly. The 'writing is on the wall' that she is not to be harmed in anyway. It was a pre-agreement that nobody of the group would harm her. A group is involved who perhaps have connections with those sleazy places and with those who might harm others under different circumstances. But the custodians have been carefully selected. One thing I sense which I am wary to indicate .... but it is impressed on me to mention ... the pattern of the stones relates to some layout of the dwelling or the residence where she is held. But how it can be interpreted I cannot say. The Strength card ... and the stone which has fallen there is linked to dentistry. Why I can decipher ... all I know the woman in white is attempting to cure the red lion of toothache and the crystal on the card is my 'tooth' stone (relating to problems with teeth etc). It seems the situation is symbolic of someone trying to cure the red lion of terrible toothache. How or why I cannot sense.

MM appears to be under some kind of 'instruction' ... some knowledge being passed to her. Some kind of 'testing' or 'assessment' of her. Learned ones and knowledgeable minds have been around her. Once someone can most certainly determine what they need to know .... then stages will be set in motion. Nothing detrimental will now be planned. That risk has passed. It is not clear where and what this relates to .... I merely report what appears to be in the ether around her. She cannot comprehend what these adults say around her ... but it tires her to have things placed on her arms and placed in her mouth and readings taken. There is perhaps nobody but serious faces to talk to. They are friendly enough ... someone takes her to them and is there for her when all the questions are answered. They are insistent she can do these things they ask.

I am at a loss to understand what it is I see as I sense with the comprehension of a child. But it is not like a hospital room I can sense that. There are lights and faces and corridors. There are men and woman in different coloured costumes. Other children too but not around her. All is serious. She is tired and not happy in this place. It appears like forever she has come here but it might just be a matter of days. There is sight of the big black car in which she arrived ... and the black suited man who opened the door for her ... the dentistry ... that applies to her .... they seem to have taken a record of hers and compared it with things on file? What is this I sense ... it feels surreal but it is recorded here as part of the working. If it is proven to be false so be it. However it feels right at the time of writing on this 'vibration' I receive it on. At night an 'Aunty' is with her .... but it may not be family in truth but friends of someone who is a friend to someone else ... and it is the easiest way to explain away who they are. Alan and Fay figure somewhere .... those are names familiar with the mind I link to. An angry doctor too who is 'not Daddy's friend' ... who was jealous of what went on around the time when she was very little or before ... and it was him who did not like it at all. I sense this is the 'Whistleblower' ... someone who broke ranks and somehow betrayed GM ... he wears glasses with nondescript black frame. Black hair. A little man .... seemingly not much taller than MM. She has seen him several times with clipboard in his hand. He is working it seems ... but not with MM ... but with others there. There is a woman there MM recognises too .... from somewhere her Daddy took her too .... at work or after work? But which hospital or place I cannot sense. I must give the name which appeared out of thin air.... but why I do not know.

A man with cancer of the throat which was the condition amongst other places that took him over. He lived with great danger and around great danger. The danger has not yet passed for GM. He must be vigilant and remain on his guard. His 'books must be put in order' before they decide what he says and did was true. Thus guy is no longer there to advise or hold his hand though G would decide for himself anyway despite what others say. He's been threatened in the past ... pushed against the wall ... and told in no uncertain terms to desist. But he is G and he is a clever man and he knows no other way. Caught between two big forces with his 'product' he will step on big toes whatever direction he walks.

The 2 of Spheres indicates the two sides or names which he stands in the middle of. One or the other wanted this something .... I speculate .... and one of them wanted proof of that this something was what it was claimed to be. Pioneering advancement perhaps? MM is the 'compromise' maybe or the insurance that the something exchanges hands .. speculation now as the connection was broken with realisation of the insight and comprehension of seeing into the bright lights ....

User & Maker of Crescents appear to be the distractions and the focus away from what is what with the situation. The lure to bait the media and hide something which needs great time to be resolved. I wonder what great revelation lies at the end of this situation .... something of religious significance has been shook up perhaps, I comprehend.

Six stones in the working ... six doves on the User of Crescents. The face in the moon looks on ... Six of weapons ... a robed figure watches from some distance the effects of the deception of the crescent ... reading the tabloids and watching the news .... hearing the grapevine .... living out of sight ... hiding the flaming sword at times when it is necessary. This person can be entrusted with the truth ...