Further Reading

Tuesday 8 January 2008

Daily Merlin Insight

T r a n s c r i p t
For Tuesday 8th January 2008
Using Merlin Tarot
10:30pm - 11:55pm

"Insights based on the question 'is Madeleine McCann still alive at this moment in time ..... in the light of the recurring media speculation this was deemed quite necessary at this time ...."

A lady wandered in close ... breaking my focus ... 'expect the unexpected as this situation can be easily turned on its head. It is a sham .... misrepresentations are not to be taken seriously. Misrepresentations serve a purpose for sure but just be wary of being carried away by their insistence. They continue like the beat of an unrelenting drum to mesmerise and to wash the mind of all that was conceived before the drum began its beat. Retain what it was you had as nothing has changed .... cruelty almost always gets its just desserts in the end. It is not the parents who have been cruel but those which are being drawn more and more into this sham ... it is they who are caught fast in the web .... ' These were my own thoughts based on the images portrayed at the time ... a slow beating drum and a deliberate intention to mesmerise with repetition of the same thing over and over again. A circle going round and round creating a rut for the majority mind set to become captured in ... so even the most hardy will start to believe the misconceptions being written ...

Is Maddy still alive?
Of course she is

What proof can be given?
Tie a ribbon round the old oak tree then wait and see

What does that mean?
Even the lost were found in times of war. It is not time for those to give up hope. More than a point can be salvaged from this contest.

Maddy is safe and well?
Of course

What physical proof can be provided?
A multitude of things. Signs between the lines of things.

The lady is one who has been before. Given a link before. She stands like a guardian ... watching Maddy from the other worlds. She sees she does prevail; is safe.... no harm has come to the little girl. Nothing untoward has occurred since the last moment she made herself known

Five images only this working. 7 of Fishes (Humour) perhaps it is bet not to take the latest media reports that seriously. Read them with humour for what they appear to be. Intuition suggests that the heart should be ruled by the head before jumping to the worst conclusions. Think of all the crazy circumstances required for MM to have been in the hire car 4 weeks after her apparent disappearance. Be dismissive of the reports ... the 6 of Fishes ... the postponed Joy ... the joy which so easily could fill the news pages if the same hands who dictate the latest round of slur so wished. They could so easily instruct for joyous news to reach the tabloids. They have control. The 4 of Fishes ... the Truce which appears to lie on the pathway ahead somewhere in the future ... something being resolved as perhaps the PJ have finally to 'admit' the conclusions are unfounded. There seems the opportunity for turn arounds perhaps .... it may not yet be written ... the exit to the maze may not yet be drawn in the design. Someone somewhere is travelling around and around .... stalling for time ... permitting the same speculation to repeat over and over to mesmerise and cover up the tracks in the past ....

The Ace of Birds ... the significator for 'travelling' and 'moving home' ... some movement is occurring at this time ... this latest round of ghoulish speculation may yet be another cover ....

Strength .... the healing of the lion ... the curing of the toothache once more. Something of discomfort or embarrassment being resolved.

Nothing contradictory intuited at this time. I still state MM is very much alive and her return is under the control of those who dictate the recurring tabloid misrepresentations ....