Further Reading

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Tarot Card of the Day: Nine of Cups

This is the wish card. With this card is the understanding that anything you desire can be obtained. Try to take a moment to remember the kinds of wishes you made when you were younger.

The up side to this card is your ability to believe in yourself. Sounds easy when I make the statement. When you apply the basic principles of thought, word and deed, then everything is possible. If you can apply these things to your life, you will realize that you create your reality. Now, if all of this is true, what are you creating? This is the day to reap the rewards of past efforts -- whether negative or positive. It should give you a good idea of what you have been thinking of yourself. If you are feeling something is "wrong", take a moment and look at your thought and word so you better understand the deed.

The down side of this card is waiting around for things to happen to you. This is a day of fruition on either level -- positive or negative. If you’re hanging about waiting for something to happen, look at what you are expecting, what energy you’ve put into it, and you’ll have a better idea of what is about to happen.

Know that today is a good day to start projects and reap the rewards of those projects as a job well done (both today and in your future). Or, today could be a day of overindulging and high anxiety. Choosing will be up to you, as always. (Sue Yarmey)