Further Reading

Monday 4 February 2008

The Aussie Adventure

Well, we are back in NZ after 17 fantastic days in wonderful Australia.
Of course, we had a few ....eeerrr...mishaps (didn't we Matt?) LOL
Yes Matt managed to drive the car through a closed garage door!
One of the kids broke the dairy flap on the Fridge Freezer (which we replaced).
Matt dropped his new Ipod in the sand and its now packed in.
A glass broke in the dishwasher, but thank goodness for good old op shopping, managed to find one for 50 cents - exact match!
We did manage to have many nights of BBQ's though without setting the barbie on fire (like we did in NZ!)
"Some Mothers do have 'em" spring to mind? LOL
It was a fantastic holiday though, and look forward very much in 5 weeks time to be living in Australia.
Would like to say the last 6 years in NZ has some happy memories but alas, not so.
Its been one long struggle with seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel.
In just 2 weeks time our eldest makes his journey south for a 4 year course at Otago uni doing Zoology and animal behaviour, whilst in 5 weeks time, we head to Canberra for a new start.
Always knew we had made the 'wrong' choice with NZ over Australia, but things happen for a reason I suppose and we have had an adventure along the way.
At least we wont be one of the folk saying 'if only' in years to come. So many people stay in a stagnant situation, but long to try something different.
We tried NZ, it didn't work (for us) but we tried.
Life isn't a rehearsal. we only get one shot at it.
Let's see what Australia brings us.
Can't wait.