Further Reading

Friday 22 February 2008

Daily Merlin Insight: 22nd February 2008

Using Servants of the Light tarot
Daily Merlin Update

The media's attention of the MM mystery has suddenly been reawakened by another alleged sighting ... right out of the blue ... one more revelation and one further twist in a route already overwhelmed with hairpin bends. A wander along a sandy shore where all traces of what has gone before has seemingly been washed clean by the waxing and waning of the tidal currents generated by the media attention and the resultant public reaction. It will therefore be interesting to watch over the coming weeks the direction which this latest sighting will lead the mystery ...

My intuition is drawn to the impression of those holding Madeleine watching the waxing and waning tide. Witnessing the media furore which they have directly created. The strongest 'vibe' from this quarter is of a woman ... perhaps the same 'High Priestess' I have been detecting on and off since the early days of the mystery. Her interest in the occult is felt from here. Symbolism and divination seem to play some role in her life. Not necessarily a practising mystic herself ... but a sense of requiring 'consultations'. It was on a whim I received this impression. She is almost certainly one who scours the internet too and watches all that is written there ... seeking anything that hints she has been discovered. I feel wary once more like I have a number of times before ...

There is now the feeling of being drawn to the image of a Grandfather clock tick ticking in a hall. Not necessarily in the place where Madeleine resides ... but clearly a symbol of counting out time ... 'old father time' ... but why I see this. It is not seemingly linked in any way to Madeleine surely? Unless it is the memory of someone who links to me from the 'other side' ... there is a gentleman here. Calm and composed. Holding a glass of what appears to be a finest malt. Or maybe Irish Whiskey? It is he who drew me to the clock ... it has a distinctive tick ticking in a hallway. Near the stairs. White walls close by. A prized clock but something about the chime being changed or removed to stop it sounding? The man was resilient even near the end ... showing me now a black and white image of Madeleine. A number of faxed transmissions .. all photographs of her. Another line of enquiry he is saying. Copies of a report sent to elsewhere ... perhaps to another detective agency? This is not totally clear ... but a man with reading glasses part way down his nose reads the report ... French or Belgian he reads and speaks good English ... he understands the situation and has very strong hunches. There is a direction not considered before to where this latest sighting appears to lead.

The man in contact with me shrugs his shoulders when I mentally ask if it was indeed Madeleine in the sighting. He taps his nose and implies 'what will be will be' ... if it is it is ... if it is not then it is not. He shrugs his shoulders and turns round ... walking away from me closing the door behind him. I follow then into a sunlit front room ... I sense a room always bright and cheery. Photos on a mantelpiece to the left of the door. The room faced on more than one side with windows. The man sits down on a chair with a blanket draped across it ... he lights his pipe and appears relaxed. He's been through to me once or twice before he states ... then the image fades ....

I turn my attention to the Servants of the Light tarot. I place one card - The Star - on the table prior to the working. No question, no focus ... a silent mind devoid of any thoughts ... I have already shuffled the cards. I shall now choose four to be placed around the Star ... symbolically that which is around The Shining Star at this time:

Keeper of Crescents
3 of Spheres
User of Crescents
Prime of Crescents

I gain an insight once more that Madeleine has recently travelled by sea ... the vessel perhaps moored somewhere close to historic temple ruins; there is this sense plus a brief flash of imagery. A safe haven due to there being some storm at sea? Symbolic perhaps? Or maybe they have moored out of the reach of an actual storm out at sea.

The Prime of Crescents is reference to the sighting in the South of France ... perhaps the 'cause' of the symbolic storm at sea ... for this impression is with me here. Attention returns to the mystery out of the blue. Not what those who hold Madeleine were expecting. Five doves hovering in the image of the User of Crescents implies that Madeleine's custodians were benefiting from the silent running of the last few months. However the sense of the woman around Madeleine scouring the internet for information, suggests the silent running was also an inconvenience too. The lack of media attention not permitting any assessment of where the search for Madeleine was at. Its out of the shadows once more ... light shed once more on the path of the searchers.

From this working I sense that perhaps the recent sighting was not Madeleine at all, because it does appear to have caught her custodians by surprise. Some agency 'beyond their sphere of influence' appears to have reported the sighting ... catching them off guard. Speculation only or more than a grain of truth?

By chance it seems that this sighting could bear a silver lining perhaps. The Three of Spheres and all relevant information kept close to the chest at this time ...