Further Reading

Monday 18 February 2008

Daily Merlin Insight: Another Focus ....

For Monday 18th February 2008
Using the Merlin Tarot

A focus once more on Madeleine ... and insights relating to the continuing efforts to find her. A look at the possible road ahead of the coming weeks ... to detect anything out of the ordinary.

The silent running continues as the 'cloud making machine' appears to have run out of steam. Yet I intuit that the efforts to locate Madeleine has not lessened in any way. The campaign may have taken a back seat and low profile; but I sense this is not a bad thing. It permits Gerry & Kate to have a breathing space ... and also a chance for their family to create a near normal as possible atmosphere for Madeleine's younger Brother & Sister ....

The wheel seems to keep turning in the same way ... but the momentary image is that of a big wheel ... like The Eye in London for example ... but it is not a symbol of a location. The symbolism is sensed to detect an 'exhibition' being made of the situation. Again the sense of a figurehead for a situation. The silver lining of the terrible situation which has been created. Receiving access to databases and information which may lead to where Madeleine is located. A sense or suspicion of the perpetrators. So much ground explored ... so many of the 'usual' offenders eliminated ... the hunt goes below ground into places that the mundane world, which we see all around us, does not have an inkling exists. A corroboratory effort to penetrate these shady places.

Next I'm shown an ordinary yale lock key. A silver key. A key to safe deposit box or a mail box. There is a nervous man in an area of mail deposit boxes or security boxes within a railway station or the like. His nervousness draws the attention to him by the CCTV cameras. How he is linked to the case I do not know. But he is wandering a corridor ... wearing blue overalls and black NHS type glasses. Leading someone on a merry dance. A drop off point then a tracking of this man. He could lead to someone significant if he can be found. But he disappears amid the busy commuters milling around. Some communication dropped in the deposit box. If it is significant ... there are a series of numbers. Coded names and information. A series of 5 or 6 numbers .... linked to a covert circle of events taking place in different cities. I detect intelligence here and maybe something not linked to Madeleine at all ? But why then did I see these images clearly? I do not understand.

An abandoned White Citroen estate car. One bald or punctured tyre. On a road side before an incline and a bend in a narrow road. La Te .....? I try again but cannot see the name plate of the town around the corner behind the car. This is France/Spain ... on the border. Something suspicious found in the boot of the car. It is not traffickers who have MM. It is not a rich family having her stolen to order, though a rich family do have an involvement I sense this strongly. A ring around the inner circle then another outer circle ... within this circle are those involved. MM apparently held by someone having had dealings in the profession which GM has made a career. But it is a background ... consultancy role which springs to mind here ....

The Empress
10 of Birds reversed
King of Serpents reversed
The Chariot

The Empress is the main significator for Kate McCann. This was established in the early Daily Merlin Insights. The 10 of Birds appertains to a current path being taken by The Empress at this time. The suit of Birds relates to the element of air ... the voice, communications, contacts. Steps taken where the normally peaceful and composed Empress will find herself under increasing pressure & stress. However, the sense here is of a natural aptitude for the new responsibilities being put on her shoulders. A way and a manner well suited to a new role ... well respected by those around her. The reversal of the card (and the reversal of its title ... 'disaster') indicates favourable consequences of these 'bold' actions. The reversal of the King of Serpents ... suggests that an opportunity or offer of a more dynamic or stressful role may not be accepted. There is a sense of being overwhelmed by all the work which needs to be done ... 'Rome wasn't built in a day' ....

The Innocent card indicates an environment around the Empress relating to Children (other than the obvious with KM being a mother of three children). There is most certainly a new business or career direction opening straight ahead for the Empress relating to children and the plight of those in similar circumstances to MM.

The Chariot reaffirms the 'salmon stream' ... the symbolic direction taken by the young Salmon (MM) ... the Chariot has been the enigmatic 'Pied Piper' figure who seems to have captivated the general public with his reporting style of the entire situation. However, in this instance ... the image relates to the actual Pied Piper story ... and the 'affliction' befalling a European town in the classic story ... where the mysterious figure is drafted in to rid the town of all the rats; didn't get paid for his efforts ... and so took all the children away instead. Very symbolic. The Empress linking to reports and databases of missing children.

In the image of The Chariot ... a Heron watches a young salmon is it makes its way along the stream. We are told that MM may have been an innocent victim ... or a target for a Heron (pedo ring) ... this is what has been reiterated by the media ghouls under the leadership of the Pied Piper. However .... I do not intuit that one of these rings has MM. It has not 'felt right' from the off. There is the sense that it suits someone somewhere's campaign for folk to think in this way. It suits a campaign for these areas of society to be investigated ... under the cover of the situation. But I do not feel it is in these areas of society where MM will be found. There is no sense of this nature to those who have been looking after MM. Madeleine seems to have had a certain degree of freedom in the various places she has been residing.