Further Reading

Thursday 7 February 2008

Daily Merlin Insight for Thursday 7th February 2008

Using Servants of the Light Tarot
Thursday 7th February 2008

Insights for this day Thursday 7th February 2008 based on the image of MM on the left; using it as the focus.

There has been a significant length of time now since her disappearance. Media coverage is now most certainly on 'silent running' with the entire situation now adapting very much a familiar 'needle in a groove' or 'feet in a rut' .... I've yet to receive anything at all contrary from 'higher forces' with regard to the well being of MM.

In truth it has been a while since I established a strong connection mediumistically with regard to the situation. It takes considerable effort and concentration to establish .... and even more concentration to discern the 'liquid voices' of contact.

In recent nights a 'presence' has returned. An elderly lady (not a child). I do sense that in insights to follow there may be more concise information once more with regard to those connecting with myself. I will never pass on any mediumistic information to anyone until I have gained an undeniable confirmation that the contactees are indeed who they claim to be. A number of contactees do indeed appear to be related to MM ... there appears to be sufficient 'trust' for me to begin to divulge their information a little more. I've been very silent in recent weeks (not just because of the holiday) with regard to information received ... its been kept close to my chest and researched ... as always I am extremely careful what appears on A Light in the Darkness. Anything with repercussions is omitted from the insights ...

Tonight's DMI is the first step in re-establishing these connections:

I must start with divulging the scenery described to me in my mind's eyes. The first sight was of a young white billy goat with bell and rope. On a lush green slope eating away quite contented. Behind it atop of a slope are a number of young sapling trees. These are European trees. No, British trees. The scene is of some barren land in the United Kingdom. There are a small herd of Deer nearby. Fallow deer I discern from the spots on their coats. A cold wind is blowing ... but they are oblivious. There is a young child standing in a field gazing across at them. She wears a pink coat. Her hair is freshly washed ... blonde and long; down to her shoulders. The wind blows through her hair. She shields her eyes from the morning sun. She points over the hillside ... and shouts but I cannot hear what she has to say. But I know there is a woman close by and a man with black glasses ... they stand somewhere out of sight. I sense the living essence of Madeleine with this girl ... but it is not Madeleine I see. She is not with this girl ... the girl is older ... perhaps 7 or 8. They have become good friends in the time they have been together. The girl is the daughter of the family with whom Madeleine resides. But she is not the daughter of the two that are with her. The sense of the landscape is Celtic once more ... Ireland maybe though Scottish landscapes do appear similar. There is water and a road .... but out of sight ... and a headland with water .... more likely coastline than sea Loch. There is cunning and intelligence around the family for coverting Madeleine for so long. There are so many rouses in place. Access to connections who can produce lookalikes when the time comes for yet another sighting it seems. Grateful are they the news is quiet once more .... though one respects GM greatly; one also despises him and his family connections. It appears a male in this rugged land does know of the family from where Madeleine originates .... this is sensed quite strongly. I felt the name Regan perhaps vibrated on the air around me. A man with black leather jacket and a faded metal watch on his wrist. A man with several business connections ... and many underworld connections. Easy to establish and control ... though Regan may not be the name in truth it is close to what may be of relevance several years in the past.

An old lady now stands ... a memory of the past. A croft or a residence .... white ... with tall trees between it and the lane that led to the white church. A red boat on a lake. She is proud though she lost Jimmy (James O') well before this image. His boat once his pride and joy now rotten .. left discarded. Their three sons moved on to the big city though still in Ireland. She has her arms folded in determination. Silence cannot last forever and it won't ... there are more clues than is realised by those who watch and judge. Those closer than they ... know more and are sworn to stay silent ... the story has moved on much further than is seen in black and white. Careful approach for little can be said to ruin that which has so carefully been put in place. Those who are due for the wall to come crashing down are still not perhaps aware. Arrogance shall be their downfall in the end. The bairn is safe. She is well. She remembers well her family still. But no way is her lifeless body in any lake or in the ground for that matter. Life blood still courses through her veins ....

'............Your initial assessment .... during the first time you gazed was right not wrong ... the little girl is very much alive. You asserted then she was to be returned. Be wary of who and what observes what it is you have to say ... but change not your assessment for it will not be proven wrong ...' (many thanks P-- B--- for a surprise connection at this time)

Servants of the Light

Three primes (three aces) ... and the impression of forces getting down to business. A blackmail or pressure being applied. Negotiations perhaps. One of the primes is the Flaming Sword ... the commodity to business men. A product of something spectacular perhaps? A process proven to indeed 'succeed' ... an insight by the Prime of Spheres perhaps of four persons dedicated to perfecting a process. One which was met with great controversy. Opposing forces with opposing views .... alarmists decry the process and demand the Prime of Weapons is not viable ... and contradicts all that they stand for. But the Nine of Crescents indicates the illusion and the deceptions to ensue ... to keep these stormy seas well hidden. The Giver of Weapons reversed...and a family is unaware of the full repercussions of their actions perhaps. Involved in something much greater than they. Naively they followed a path laid down for them due to their desperation. The risks not laid out clearly perhaps to them ... supposition only perhaps. But it seems clear their lives were under the microscope many weeks before the disappearance. They felt threatened it seems ... a ruse created to hide their apparent concern. Information created to describe the opposite? To alarm people into believing they were negligent ... to keep their plight hidden deep in a scenario ... it may well be they had an inkling their child might be taken so put in place some kind of 'plan' ... this is only supposition again. But it seems the Prime of Staves relates to some kind of operation swung into place when the inevitable took place ... and ruse to hide what is really the ding dong behind the scenes. Perhaps why certain players are involved. Upon reflection all is not what it seems. To be out of the scenario ... then come back ... perspectives have changed and it can be seen differently now .... MJ