Further Reading

Monday 4 February 2008

Daily Merlin Insight: 'Reconnection'

For Monday 4th February 2008
Using Servants of the Light tarot
NZ: 10:10pm - 1-:35pm

Having been away from the situation, and the process of Daily Merlin Insights, for nigh on three weeks, it is time now to 're-familiarise' myself with the entire mystery in general. The following insights are based on assessing the 'vibration' of the mystery .... sensing where the situation is standing at this point in time ....

2 of Staves
The Priest
Maker of Weapons
Prime of Crescents
The Magician

Familiar images associated with the many aspects of the mystery. Once more there is The Priest ... who I have termed the 'Wounded Healer' so often because of The Priest being associated in my eyes with The Hierophant. There appears an injury here which cannot be healed which is causing the impasse that is being experienced at the moment. 'Nothing but frustration' I hear ... one of the Two Old Dears shouts from a distance (Chris's Mum) ... still NO Scarab Beetle which is an insistence that the wee girl is very much alive. Her feet appear to wander across sand at this point in time ... her locality changes but Morocco is NOT somewhere to be considered. That is off track. She is not with anyone sexually motivated. The person or persons here are religiously and politically motivated. They change their locality because eyes do watch them.

The Maker of Weapons is not beyond suspicion. This relates to whoever was involved in IVF treatments ... the list of names and their DNA has been scrutinised by someone of a religious background. Someone does disapprove and has the influence around when the birth epitomised by the Prime ofCrescents took place. It was objected to by someone. But the child is safe. Nobody will commit the sin of murder. They just will not relinquish their possession that easily.

The Magician relates to the inroads in fertility treatment and IVF acceptance it appears. It relates also to the group who were in Portugal at the time and the eyes that followed their every move. Someone did not like what they represented. It seemed MM was the choice of 'hostage to their cause' ...

If there is silence from who has hold of her it is wrong. They should have made contact by now. The family who has Madeleine is just a temporary place or it was. But someone is stubborn and quite old fashioned in their belief. Not cruel ... just stubborn. The political and media aspect to it all scares those who are at the core of the custodianship. They are fearful of the fallout. They await instructions other than hide. They have a contact close to the campaign. But it carries a silent tongue at this time.

An elderly couple appear to be around the little girl. I see docks and pier ... and sandstone walls from time to time. But I see younger individuals too ... dressed like Europeans or Arabs but that is not their nationality ... it is the disguise they choose. She has been in the land of the Shamrock too because the organisation has links far and wide. Plenty of place to hide this little girl.

She remains alive and safe. None of her relations on the other side have seen her there. They impress strongly she is alive. She is well and it is a matter of time before she must be returned. But time moves slow on earth ... but on the other side the time of her return is being approached.

The 2 of Staves relates to the two sides of the same force which have possession of the little girl. Split loyalties and disagreements. There is some opposition to her continued disappearance. There is also a reluctance to let her go. But pressure exerted should most surely result in a favourable outcome in the end.