Further Reading

Sunday 17 February 2008

Daily Merlin Insight: The Star once more

Sunday 17th February 2008
Using Navigators of the Mystic Sea tarot

Choosing to use the Navigators of the Mystic Sea tarot in this instance. 'Randomly' choosing five cards ... The Star (shown left) was one of the five images. My focus very much on The Shining Star and her current locality ...

Sensing her as a live wire energy. A strong and determined youngster with so much energy, I feel her profile like a battery ... a surge of vibrant and pure energy. Undaunted by the situation she is currently in, and yes ... I very much sense her alive and coming to no harm. None the worse for wear aside from the 'upset tummy' I've been feeling around her for the last few days. She is hyperactive and into everything around her. Curious and inquisitive. Coming to no harm.

Extending my awareness to the surroundings around her ... and the Queen of Wands; the woman in charge once more ... the word 'regeneration' and renewal of a role for her ... resuming the custodianship I feel as I detect MM has been travelling once more; once more to where this woman resides. Part of a group making monetary gain from the continuation of this mystery and the apparent invisibility of MM (the 10 of Pentacles). Two in a partnership have the most to gain; watching finances gather on the horizon? The Universe image and the influence of power around the situation. The impetus gained by the publicity ... I sense this to be 'above the heads' of those who are the custodians. It is ones behind them, who instruct them that have the concern.

There is much wealth around those who instigate this situation. Often Madeleine appears to travel by exclusive seafaring vessel. Images of below decks ... in narrow corridors. In wood panelled rooms ... climbing up stairs onto upper deck with brilliant sunshine over head ... blue skies and warmth. She has sunglasses with are too big for her face. I sense times when she shares a laugh and a joke with someone on the upper deck. I see a woman sunbathing on the deck. There is the pretense of a 'family unit' with the group who travel here ... Madeleine part of a makeshift unit. The vessel appears not to have a name along its sides ... I cannot see one when I look ... it may be written elsewhere. At the rear of the vessel I see some writing with reference to Marseilles ... does this boat originate from there? Or is it registered there? I sense it may actually frequent there quite often. But not always with Madeleine aboard. The boat may well be borrowed or chartered. Much like the premises that she will often find herself staying in. A man with dark glasses ... appearing black haired and very tall to her ... often visits her ... but who he is I cannot tell in this instance.

I sense she may suffer with infrequent headaches around her brow. Perhaps her sinuses are blocked because I sense a sniffle like a blocked up nose.

Promises are made to her. She is insistent in asking questions and wanting to know all the time. She misses her family most definitely ... that is a strong sense ... but it appears she puts them to the back of her mind. I sense she knows she will be going back home. A woman of tanned complexion and dyed bonde hair reinforces the promise she will be returned when 'what's to be done is done' ... Fiona is either the name she assumes or her actual name. This is a lady like a Nanny assigned to Maddy. She is Irish or Scottish ... and she is really not what she seems. Leading a double life ....

Madeleine I feel is more than likely to be handed over than found. Her custodians have been permitted to allude detection for so long ... I sense little will change in the next few weeks. As sightings go it is most certainly 'deliberately' quiet. A media blackout ... instructed by agencies of The Pied Piper ...