Further Reading

Thursday 7 February 2008

Egyptian Attribution II

Set is unpredictable Mercury, or the eighth sephira Hod. Even young Mercury played tricks on other gods. As a messenger of the gods he is often confusing the situation with his lucidity. Change is always an anathema to the ruling position, since it tends to overthrow it, perhaps even not deliberately but in a child's game a disaster is fore-sought. Set is usually perceived as an adversary since he killed his brother Osiris, but in the Pyramid Texts, Set's role in the whole drama is not so straightforward, he is often portrayed as an initiator. Set's son Anubis is also bearing a resemblance with Hod, especially as a psycho-pomp, like Greek Hermes. 'I caused him to come; I caused him to come' says Set.

Osiris's saga is clearly a description of the formula of Tiphareth, the sphere of Sun. Even though his origins may be traced as a god of vegetation, the myth of Osiris, known from Plutarch and confirmed by the pyramid texts, describes a formula of death and resurrection, experienced directly from nature. The four letters of the ineffable name IHVH are here only to be penetrated by the trident of the Holy Spirit. Osiris is torn into thirteen pieces, 13 = 1+3 = 4, and completed with the 'missing phallus' he is 14 = 1+4 = 5. This duality is a constitutive characteristics of a Mind, in order to exist you have to die. From the pyramid texts we learn that Osiris is crossing the Abyss to unite with his father, Atem. Osiris victoriously coming out from Tuat is called Asar-un-Nefer.

His eternal spouse follows Osiris, Isis pertains to Netzah, as far as it corresponds to Venus. If the Veil of Isis dares to be lifted the path to Golden Dawn is open, but as read everywhere: many tried, many died. In time, with ageing, this Isis may become the black goddess. Isis' cult was very popular even among various invaders of Egypt due to the benevolent Natural magick that represents the formula of Netzah. 'Endure!' says Isis.