Further Reading

Saturday 16 February 2008

Ley Lines

Leylines and other energylines are paths of energy that run through our landscape. These paths of energy stream in a certain direction, which can be different for each energyline.

These energylines are (almost) always dead straight, and can have a length of thousands of kilometres/miles. The size of the different energylines vary from 10 centimetres to sometimes more than 10 metres wide. The energylines lie on the surface of the planet, and the energy of a line isn't as strong as everywhere.

This can be different in time, be different for another line, and it can be different for the spot on a line. The energylines react in strength, just like the sea with low and high tide, to the moon and other cosmic influences. The several types of energylines are different from each other because of the different characteristics and qualities they have, they each have an own character.

Leylines have for example the characteristic of power, that's why they are also called powerlines with powerplaces. All lines are male or female and positive (pleasant for humans) or negative (unpleasant), and all have there own specific qualities. People can influence parts of lines, that these parts are different in energy than they where originally. Also neutral lines do exist. Most leylines and crosspoints are positive. They can become negative because of human influence, like human sacrifices, murder, and battles.

On many many places on this planet energylines (from the same kind) cross each other. These crossing-points are called energycentres, which are mostly only small. Also most crossings of leylines are weak and small. But every region has a number of strong crossings too. These leycentres are some kind of traffic junctions of energy. Several lines come together on points, and on these places a concentration of energy is present, a powerplace or a powercentre. These powerplaces are energetic powerpoints where several powerlines come together. These powerplaces are seen as sacred sites.

With positive leycentres there is a forcefield full of energy, that can give you inspiration, cure, and miracles. For the transfer of information energy is needed, this explains the inspiration, after all there lots of is energy. Because of the extra energy on these special places, it also occurs that lightphenomena are seen near leycentres. Examples of these light phenomena are a dolmen near Loon in the Netherlands, and the monastery of Aduard (prov. Groningen). The monastery is built here because of these lightphenomena.

In history, many people built sanctuaries for devotion or sacrificing. They chose a leycentre for their sacred sites. The reason why people did choose leycentres is because of much energy that is present on these places. Here they tried to get in contact with the gods and worship them on these sacred sites. Examples of these sacred sites are for example the pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge and Avebury-henge in England, dolmens, menhirs, stone circles, burial mounds, and other sacred sites around the world. And so many sacred sites are used by our ancestors. And also the churches and cathedrals, which have been built in early Christian ages (before 1350) on a crossing of leylines.

Besides the usage of people to situate sacred sites on the crossings of leylines, people used them also to build castles on. They leylines themselves have been used in other ways too. In Roman ages, it was a habit to lay long straight roads on leylines. In this way, the men got extra energy and power to make long (walking) tours. In early Christian ages deathroads and corpseroads were laid on leylines, over what the dead person had to be carried to the graveyard and/or church. Because leylines connect sacred sites with each other, leylines are also called 'sacred lines'.

The number of leylines around the Uk is very large. Most of these leylines are very weak, and very narrow (10/20 cm). Because of this large quantity almost everyone within a few metres you can find a leyline (2/3 within each 10 metres). It is almost impossible to map every leyline in a region, province or country. So maps of leylines are rare. But a part of the strong and very strong leylines is investigated. In the Netherlands and Belgium this is for example the leyline Stonehenge - Externsteine. More information about strong and very strong leylines see the page Strong leylines. Strong leylines are mostly a metre wide and higher than a metre, but differences are possible.

Leylines do have several names. Ley-lines are also called meridians and gaialines. Because many leylines lie between sacred places, leylines are called sacred lines too. Other names refer to the sacred sites they run through. Examples are:

-Treelines: several trees that are in extension with each other on a leyline.

-Churchlines: several churches that are in extension with each other on a leyline.

-Lines with names of saints: in the province East-Flanders in Belgium four Saint-Martinus churches lie on one leyline. In the east of the province North-Brabant in The Netherlands five Saint-Lambertus churches lie on one leyline. These leylines can be named Martinusline and Lambertusline.

The length of leylines can be very long. There are lines that are hundreds of kilometres long, but there are much more leylines that are only a couple of kilometres long. So far we know, every leyline has a start and an end. How far the rasterline do run is unknown. When you try to find a start or an end of a leyline you will notice that it suddenly will start or end. At such a place lies a magic square, which takes care of the supply and drainage of the energy. There are also magic squares elsewhere on an energyline which freshen the energy. Every type of energylines has its own magic squares which connect the energylines with an other planet, by which is energy exchanged with.

The leylines and other energylines lie for thousands of years round our planet, they are the Ancient Energies of the Earth. The origin of the energylines is not clear. About how they came into being are several theories about.

-One thought is that the leylines came into being when our planet came into being. But what happened exactly with the creation of our planet is not known. A mystery solved with another mystery, with this theory the creation of the energylines stays shroud in mystery.

- Another explanation for the creation of the energylines is that the lines have been created by beings with consciousness, like humans, but in the remote past. The system of the several networks is a dynamical system. With some doings energylines can become different from what they were. With some doings energylines can be strengthened, but also created.
