Further Reading

Friday 22 February 2008

Mind Clearing' Visualisation

Ok, here is the visualisation technique I have been using over the last twenty years to clear my mind of all thoughts. With this technique I am able to not have a single thought in my mind for as long as I wish ....

I almost always enter this 'zone of silence' prior to any divination or any connection. It is handy too for relaxation and for drifting off the sleep after a stressful day.

After two decades of this technique ... the mind clearing has become second nature and my mind automatically clears itself within seconds of a subconscious trigger ...

The technique is simple and very effective. You should target being able to clear your mind for a few seconds the first time you try the technique. Then for a few minutes the next time ... ensuring each time you use the technique that the length of time you are able to not think of anything increases every time until eventually you gain the control to not think of anything ...

During this state you are fully conscious of the environment around you; everything goes on auto pilot and you are fully aware of your breathing etc ... it is very much like watching the world through a screen .... it is possible to switch off from your own 'personality' too ...

This stage in the technique is essential for when I choose to work as a 'medium' because from this point onwards any thoughts or images in my mind are not my own ... they have been placed there by a seperate source ....

Anyway, the technique ....

Make yourself comfortable ... take a few moments to permit yourself to be happy where you are sitting ... then let all those stray thoughts in your mind run riot. Let it all have full control for a few minutes. Then slowly begin to visualise a busy HiFi store like Comet or Currys .... you are in the TV department ... all the TVs are on a bank along the back wall (a bit like the image above) ... the TVs are all switched on and are on different channels. The discord is annoying ... a real conflict of sounds which is not at all pleasant. Spend a few moments letting that discord become a true sensation in your mind.

Then ... imagine that each of the stray thoughts in your mind is being broadcast from a TV set on the bank of TVs in the HiFi store ... spend as much as you wish to visualise this scenario. Each thought is coming out of the speakers of a particular TV.

Hold that image for a moment ... until you become aware it is past closing time and a store assistant is switching each TV off one by one ... slowly but surely the number of TVs broadcasting its annoyance is reducing one by one until finally there is only one or two TVs switched on.

Become aware at that point that your mind is almost clear of those stray thoughts.

Then when the last TV set is switched off and the lights within the store are switched off you are left with a blank silent space. Your mind should be totally clear at this point. Savour the experience ... even if it is only for a few seconds the first time ....

Continued practice WILL result in an indefinite zone of silence in your mind. This technique DOES work ... it is a powerful tool believe me.