Further Reading

Saturday 2 February 2008

Nothing Has Changed ....

There are but 'murmurs' in the back of my mind at this time. Nothing of any significance. As with all things 'mystical' it cannot be forced, it will arrive at its own time.

Dreams have carried meaning in recent days. No presence says anything contrary to what has already been said. What is now perhaps the greatest mystery of the recent age ... is a puzzling enigma to say the least.

But it is NOT what it seems. This is very clear in all I am given. However there is no sad demise of that now famous little girl. She endures. She survives. The media is silent now so we can but speculate the conditions (and also the state of mind of her family).

I saw a man with black sunglasses behind the wheel of a white van ... a white van man yes ... suddenly in a dream last night. I heard 'Welling Garden City' clearly without knowing why. I know not if it is linked. It was out of the ordinary to say the least to receive in this way. However it is disregarded unless it returns in another form.

An old woman. The same face I've grown accustomed to seeing in recent months. Related to the little girl comes to reassure. The little bairn suffers not in any way. The only misgiving those who have are feel is the fact she has had to be away from her family for so long. It is taking longer than was intended.

She is adamant Madeleine remains on the earth plane. She is not suffering. She is NOT with anyone cruel or harmful. It is not what is expected.

Perhaps I should establish an Absent Healing list here for the little girl and her family. Indeed for all who are experiencing the abduction of a child or a person. Healing is necessary at this time. Plus positive vibrations. Plus a change in the mind set which controls this situation.

It is something to consider. I've had it given to be before in dreams. Dreams in which I am haunted by someone on the lower planes with the intention to bully me. Bully me with its tantrums whenever my feet are out of the duvet on the bed. A presence which prods me and kicks me and touches me. Indeed in a recent projection a file of papers was given to me ... within moments of me reading what it said, something came by and grabbed the file and pushed to to the floor ... a disruptive force indeed. A haunting which is real and not contrived or imagined. A real experience where I call to other presences to sort the 'lager lout' out.

The two old dears are notable in their absence. Nothing to say to me at all. There is no need. Nothing has changed at all ... the statis remains the same as it was. The silent running. Somehow the concealing veil around where the little girl is hidden will be pierced ....