Further Reading

Wednesday 20 February 2008

Visualised Clarity

Daily Merlin Update
Wednesday 20th February 2008
Using Servants of the Light tarot

Focussing on the image of MM on the left ... asking for the clarity to comprehend more of the situation ... the clarity represented by the sigil on the right. Commencing with a quick visualisation ... imaging an empty room ... an empty space ... there is only myself in that space ... now by bringing forth the image of MM in my mind ... I imagine the image on a blackboard which has suddenly appeared before me in the room. There is then a single piece of chalk, with which I draw the outline of the sigil beside the photo of MM. I notice then a door to the left of the blackboard ... I am hesitant. I concentrate on the image of MM and nothing else before I wander to the door ... and turn its handle ... once I step through the door ... I will have the clarity to comprehend the situation more. Much more ... I thus venture back to May/June of 2007 ... I discover my deck of tarot cards are in my right hand ... there purpose to act as a record of what I realise once I step over the threshold beyond the door. Once there ... my higher awareness will connect with my lower self ....

I have the sense of a middle aged man stand before me ... his arms are crossed and his legs are crossed over ... in a comfortable stance he would have adopted to ease the strain on his sore back. He is dressed like he would always dress in a pair of dark brown/black trousers ... a shirt without a tie. He is not clean shaven. His hair is short ... greying ... unkempt. He provides this image as it was one of the last he would have on the earth. He let himself go. He drank but it was not alcohol or alcoholism which took him over ... his fate was sealed a long time before this time ... he is impatient. Impatient with the situation. Impatient with those who are left behind. They are not taking it all too well. He murmurs the common name Jack/John ... he wipes spit from his mouth with a white handkerchief and is annoyed that I see him in this way ... Jack is a relation too on the other side ... who comes hobbling over to me. Emancipated and lean. Lost too much weight in the end. In his 80's but proud he still had his sight. He wears a tatty threadbare cardigan ... fawny brown with white buttons on the front ... a tatty white shirt with some kind of pattern on it ... his hair is untidy ... he carries a sweat on his brow with a temperature. He was senile and hard of hearing ... these two come together .. as one ... a working unit ...he has so much to say at the right time and place.

The clarity commences with the Prime of Weapons ... the Flaming Sword once more. Within the 'sanctuary' of a protective sheath. Kept in hiding ... there are four individuals .. who are involved with this imagery. A bearded man looks directly at me ... slightly nervously. I get 'the boatman' with this man. He is in his mid-forties ... stocky built. Always with his hand in his pockets. I see him tinkering with an outboard motor at a marina. He is surrounded by luxury items ... and appears to covert the one he has himself. Though I cannot discern which is his ... there are a number which he could readily board. I cannot discern which one like I say is owned by he. I sense the impression now of a white luxury cruiser with wood panelled lower decks. The rooms ornate with brass ... and antiques ... a plethora of bric a brac. A very flamboyant woman ... with a purple throw over .. very loud and very accommodating. I get the impression of MM having been around her ... and in this very boat. Made comfortable. Given plenty of pillows on which to rest her head upon and lie upon because she was uncomfortable. Given sedatives in a drink to help her sleep through the long voyages. This woman is sensed as European ... Russian? Though her nationality is hard to glean as the impression I see ... she is barely talking at all. Another man now with glasses and dark clothes ... black jacket ... comes on board and asks for the girl to be woken. They check her teeth? They comment ... and compare her to a photograph? Then another woman comes down to the hold and carries the groggy little girl along with her little collection of things. There is a teddy bear ... ??

Once more the image of Strength ... the woman in white doing all she can to cure the red lion of his toothache. Involved in something she is not accustomed to as a result of MM going missing .. this is KM? The sign of infinity ... she will never give up and do it for as long as it takes. Determined ... aware of the tremendous pressures involved in the situation.

The Three of Staves ... and the power of three. Two men and one woman ... or two women and one man ... established strength. Representatives of faith or medicine involved in some way with this situation. A leverage ... a wedge ... forced hands.

The Prime of Staves ... there is a real reason behind it all. Something having been occurring before ever MM went missing. A unfortunate bait? A sense of impending doom with this card ... someone linked to the Unicorn could or should have warned of the dangers ... the weaving behind the scenes. Somewhere someone was prepared and fully aware of MM ... the big picture suggests the family was watched in the months leading up.

The Nine of Crescents and the raised hands of one in celebration. Standing on the shoreline with the choppy seas now behind him. The worst appears to be over now. There seems a number of inroads already with something not linked directly ... but part of the whole thing.

I perceive the returning when it suits of a child very much alive. In a place and in a way that suits those behind it all. Some means of making her be found without the finger pointed at those who are behind it all. Boats figure ... and private jetties/land on islands ... I see this image quite clearly ... boats customary for places coming and going as they please ... offloading their cargo out of sight of prying eyes. Red tape broken by blind eyes informed to not say anything ... in this way no border can be a barrier to prevent passage ...