Further Reading

Tuesday 4 March 2008

The Eight of Weapons

The Eight of Weapons represents a well hidden location. A location which has eluded Europe's finest intelligence agencies for the last ten months. A location which houses possibly some of the cleverest, and most connected, abductors of modern time. If it were a 'normal' abduction - normal in the sense there would not be the media coverage which this abduction mystery has generated - this location would not be the elusive 'Holy Grail' to so many people. But, the truth of the matter is that the abduction of one of the most famous abducted children in modern history, has generated so much attention (as was the intention of the campaign) that it must surely be extremely difficult for the abductors to go about their every day lives with their captor in tow. Somehow they have been successful in ten months of concealment, it seems.

The Eight of Weapons is the significator used in The Daily Merlin Insights to represent the locality of Madeleine McCann. It has appeared regularly in such workings, whether intentionally as the focus or unintentionally as one of the chosen keys ... whenever it has, there has been a real sense of 'defiance' with regard to the custodians of 'the Flaming Sword' ... she is their prize and their commodity and they are defying the world to 'come and find her'. The sense of arrogance and 'above the law' with the energy from this card has been very intense on a number of occasions. There has been a strong feminine connection with the image ... a woman is most certainly involved in the situation. She is influential and astute. Part of a group or team who has methodically planned this mystery. Who have at their disposal powerful alliances to ensure the Eight of Weapons remains the elusive Holy Grail.

Most certainly the Eight of Weapons has represented several different localities as there has been an unshakable feeling of Maddie having been moved many times ... the goal posts shifted by her custodians ....

Currently there is a still and calmness with the card. No sense of seasickness gained when remote viewing the Shining Star ... so she is currently not over water. A feeling of familiarity pervades the card ... meaning she is currently somewhere that has been used on numerous occasions ... the main 'home' of the custodians. There is a sense of routine once more. A feeling too of heels being dug in and her custodians watching bemused the outside world ... almost disappointed they have not been found. There are energies of communication sent along channels ... controlled channels ... to those they can trust on the outside world with their location.

Around the Eight of Weapons at this time; keys randomly chosen ....

Maker of Weapons
The Hanged Man
Prime of Crescents
User of Spheres

A consolidation of many pieces of involvement. That which was designed which needed the acquisition of the central ingredient ... is now well under way. The recipe put into practice. There were trial runs prior to the taking of The Shining Star. Attempts at other abductions it seems. Suspicious circumstances in other holiday complexes. The same group of three visiting these places ... keeping the McCanns and others around them under surveillance. Two men and a woman. The man currently is clean shaven, almost bald. He speaks fluent German ... the woman Dutch and French. They may have lived in these places but their nationality can be from somewhere else. A feeling too of an American businessman dedicated to their situation ... though not of the three ... a Texan it seems. Their cause is the 'fire' into which the flaming sword was placed in order to be tempered. There is a religious background and substance to the situation. And he who was behind the 'forging' of the Flaming Sword is entwined within this it seems ... the blacksmith who was responsible for the genetic technique which led to the conception ... his actions are opposed by a religious background and those watching eyes. These three are a splinter group perhaps from these watching eyes. Maybe off on their own campaign ... but because their feet seemingly walked those chequered halls ... they automatically receive help and secrecy ... and concealment by powerful allies ... it seems localities around Edinburgh and/or Rosslyn may have a link but this association with the Grail is pure coincidence. Sacred architecture means so much to one ... who was once a healer/doctor by profession but now seems to be a skilled draughtsman or architect. He designs for many of the powerful allies perhaps.

The Hanged Man is stagnation ... a draw in chess because checkmate seems unlikely in this stalemate. The Prime of Crescents is a cause now under way ... the call to arms to resolve a delicate issue ... GM & KM now heavily involved in a process of cleansing. Helping to genuinely cleanse something that needs to be orderly.

The User of Spheres shows a young girl watching the observer sitting on a rock .... under the careful eye of the juggler who has everything under control. Behind the rock is a raging sea. An expanse of water reknowned for its savage tides and waves .... passage through this expanse takes skill and mastery.