Further Reading

Thursday 6 March 2008

Instinct ... and things

Instinct ... is just that, instinct. Some call it 'the sixth sense'. Some perceive it as a second nature feeling inside of them. A 'knowing' or 'just a feeling'. It is best described, from personal experience, as an over-riding 'knowing' ... your entire being is screaming out with all of its normal five sense heightened. A little like being connected to a battery and overwhelmed with tens of thousands of volts of biochemical electricity. It is an adrenalin rush. A feel good factor. When I receive that type of 'feeling' I just know instinct is the only 'guide' to listen to.

Instinct for me is not receiving information from a 'guide'. It comes from self. My higher self. My higher immortal. That part of my self which transcends the sub-conscious ... which exists far beyond imagination. It is a part of self which somewhere exists on a very high and quick vibration.

Instinct for me is in truth a fact of life. It has rarely let me down. Indeed the times it has ... can be attributed to me not listening properly to its 'information' or not following its advised path to the letter.

Instinct for me is an overwhelming feeling that The Shining Star is very much alive. It is a driving force at this moment in time. Each time I see her picture there is just a 'knowing' that she still wanders this earth plane. It is a powerful tracer that connects with me. A heartbeat somewhere on the planet which I 'instinctively' link to. I do not understand how or why. It just does. I simply must accept this occurrence.

It is frustrating for me too when 'instinct' declares there are falsehoods in much of the media speculation which has appeared over the months. I read the words written and instinct provides me with a sickly, heavy feeling ... which I attribute with 'something not being right'. Further investigation of this feeling ... by calm and relaxed moments of meditation ... almost always result in the momentary flashing of imagery in my mind's eye. This has been commonplace in the path in connection with the many, many hours of 'professional consultations' I've offered over the last couple of decades. Flashes of 'instinctive inspiration' have made up the bulk of my 'utterances' during the consultations.

I don't ever know how I know the information or why I know. I just have simply accepted it as fact ... it's been the way it is ... and still is.

So it is that the current mystery intrigues me ...

Instinct has often adopted the form of 'The Hawk' and provided me with numerous insights relating to the situation. In moments of clarity I've been able to visualise being the hawk with its beady eyes symbolically gazing down at the trail made by the mystery. I've been able to symbolically see the eventual safe return of the Shining Star. I've seen the apparent deception of one who has their feet in two camps. Someone who is a Judas. There has been a betrayal ... and I instinctively know it is still taking place.

Someone around the core of the mystery does seem to have access to the trail which leads to where the Shining Star resides at this moment in time. There are communications on a fairly regular basis to check that she is safe and well. A guilt complex it appears. The separation of the little girl and her family does indeed seem to be longer than had been planned. So the judas figure may well have been double crossed or betrayed also.

There is a significant changing of the guard occurring deep within the realm of those who planned the entire thing. The clearing out of the darkness created by the former 'robed one' ... a spring clean created under a rouse. A sense of new faces being appointed and old connections being dashed and broken. This goes very deep indeed. A new wonder denied public viewing for fear it contradicts the reductions sanctioned by those on high. There are issues linked to religious doctrines too. Ages old tensions very much out in the open and much salt added to the wounds.

When the likes of 'the Two Old Dears' make contact ... I just 'know' these impressions are not part of instinctive insights. It feels totally different. The communications originate in a different area of my mind for starters. Instinctive impressions appear to take place towards the front of my mind ... whereas these seperate contacts come from the very back of my mind. I'm aware almost of a linkage via the cerebral cortex ... like someone plugs themselves into me. '

I have little or no control of what these connections transport into my mind. It may be my own 'mind voice' but it is information which just appears ... is not there one instance and is there the next. It is free flowing ... and very difficult to control. I've developed a technique I describe as my 'answer machine' ... where I sense a series of very high pitched 'bleeps' in the central part of my mind. I have learned to comprehend that if I am to focus on the region where these bleeps originated ... then I will 'be able to read the mind mail left there for me' ... sceptics laugh if you have. You will be not alone in your scepticism believe me. Over the years I've had awful belittlement over this. But the results have been the proof of the pudding. Information has been received in this way which could not have been anything other than 'direct mediumship' .... it works but I've never really got to grips with the exact mechanisms.

Like now I have a mind message to 'get on with it'. One of the two is foot tapping. Arms folded and not appreciating the human limitations of typing on a keyboard. 'She is indeed alive ... from cruiser to island to mainland. Not the island you perceive however. Shrouded in clouds for much of the year ... cruisers come and go as they please. Private landings and poorly monitored coast line. Rehearsals had taken place and some of those linked to the family drafted in gradually so as not to arouse suspicion. Their causes transcend many pieces of the pyramid. The puzzle will not be solved. But the important truth lies in the fact that she WILL be returned. It may not be when folk wish ... and finding her location could jeapodise her safety as it compromises those not meant to be known. They will stop at nothing to hide their connections. For this is most certainly meant to appear like a normal abduction with a world wide campaign to find the little girl. It will lead to a large organisation blessed with finding so many lost. So many will be found which is the silver lining for such a bad situation. Those of the family now central to the organisation are largely ignorant of the manipulation of so many to get them there. It is what they represent as figureheads through their own well familiar child which gives them the appeal. It will lead not just into Europe but also to the Americas and places as far and wide as Africa and Fiji. It is a world wide net being cast at this moment in time.

The girl will be 'found' when it suits the main man. There have been deliberate leaks in the media as the cunning play games with everyone. The girl has been seen and will be sighted again and perhaps again. The family is not to lose hope. There are safeguards in place to minimise the risk to her being. She coping well and is generally of good health. Her teeth give her a little concern at night when she cries herself to sleep ...but her suffering is minimal and she copes as well as can be expected. In her heart she never forgets. She is of clever mind and knows with her own instinct she will be returned. The family unit she has been 'given' all know she is to be returned. Like a princess they treat her ... when she is with them.