Further Reading

Tuesday 11 March 2008

A Quick Look Ahead ...

For Tuesday 11th March 2008
NZ: 10:30pm - 10:57pm

The mystery still continues with no safe return of the Shining Star. The case still receives media attention, but it is now nothing like it was in previous months.

I still receive the overwhelming feeling that Maddie is still very much alive. I trust my instincts. When they are as strong as they have been ... they are rarely wrong. Her current locality remains the 'holy grail' ...

The purpose of the Daily Merlin Insight at this time is to glean some indication of the pathway ahead between now and, say, June 2008. Timing, as always, is the most difficult thing to intuit accurately. Mankind has time as a constraint and a curse ... however, on the levels of higher consciousness, within which higher awareness operates, there is no such constraint. Things 'are' as they are ... all bounds of possibilities intermingle without the tagging of 'past' or 'present' or 'future' . Events and situations are written as 'ticker tape recordings' ... impressions on the ether ...

Using The Servants of the Light Tarot and calling on all higher awareness assistance to guide me ... I now 'open the gate' to perceive the impressions which follow linked with this working.

There are still many outcomes possible with this reality. What is perceived is 'choice' ... it is still very much within the spheres of inevitability that the little girl will be set free. It is most certainly an intention of her custodians to set her free ... but it is under their control. They are best described as control freaks. I perceive they will permit me to describe them in this way. Their eyes have often followed my words ... I know this ... I often sense their mind's eye touching upon the boundaries of my insights. At times they are at a loss on which way to turn until word comes from higher authority which guides them. They cherish the little girl ... and pray for her and her family. It is not their doing. They only do as they are told ... keeping her safe and out of the way. There is much below the surface being brought out. The little girl has been seen as something which generated the disapproval of someone influential. It was sent along a network to quieten this displeasure it seems. This insight is not as strong as I would like it to be. The man glares at me when I look at him with my mind's eye. I perceive someone of given power .. like a puppet himself. His strings pulled by someone out of the public eye. I do not like this sensation which emanates from the puppet or the puppeteer. The view joe public with low regard. Like an inconvenience they perceive them. Too many of them ....

The weeks and months ahead to June I sense:

Six of Spheres
User of Staves
Four of Crescents

Aid with the funding it seems. A long term benefactor. Campaigning for the long term. Not just for Maddie but expanding it to others including those who have been missing for a while. The more awareness raised, the more which can be forced out of the shadows into the open. A covert operation by User of Staves .... the organisation undertaking the instructions of the unicorn though the unicorn is seemingly looking away not involved at all. Not a collaboration at all with the Portuguese ... I do not get this at all. The PJ kept at a distance ... used to get hold of the information on files they have. For there is corruption here ...

The Four of Crescents and the suspected female who I call 'the dishevelled woman' ... someone under scrutiny and suspicion. Wrong moves with wrong statement made ... someone's whereabouts seem to be quite contradictory. A woman seen in and around the complex ... with straggly dark hair ... perhaps black ... on a beach for I glean she may have been walking along the sea's edge on the night. A witness to something which contradicts other information.

I do sense strongly there was a boat brought to shore onto which Maddie may have been placed ... by a woman ... passed to a man ... the boat then slipping out unobserved out to sea to a waiting boat. This boat has since 'disappeared'.

Who were the 'Middle Eastern' family who had a holiday home close by to the complex at the time? They may not be linked but something they may have saw could be interesting in truth.

Three of Weapons
Maker of Spheres

Three of Weapons and someone jealous or vindictive towards Gerry & Kate. Someone envious of their position or their life style. I do not trust the someone who 'bears too much make up. Namely eye liner' .... dressed mutton as lamb. Someone trying to be something they are not. Loose lips sank ships ... information passed to the wrong places out of spite. What was confidential was passed on like chinese whispers.

Receipt of word sometime between now and the end of the period in question. Not to build up hopes too much ... it could be the same cul-de-sac ... the Maker of Spheres could be the influence of the Pied Piper still. Another sighting of Madeleine ... this time I sense the possibility of woodland or open spaces. She is walking with a couple of people ...