Further Reading

Sunday 1 June 2008


Well here we are in Canberra, finally found a place to rent, our furniture arrived 2 weeks ago and we are still unpacking boxes!
Lots of fun along the way, lots of lows and highs, laughter and tears and of course our usual mishaps!
Currently we are still without internet connection, problem with the location of the one phone line and the space to set up the PC...Mmm....looks like we shall eventually go Wi Fi, but could be months away yet as we still have lots of other things to sort. But we have free 1 hour internet access here at the library, so can occasionally pop on and write things.
Canberra- well it is just ace! We totally adore it, it is the city within the country, a very easy city to find your way around. (much to Matt's surprise, I haven't yet got lost!)
I drive 95% of the time and to make Matt feel at home he has already collected 2 speeding tickets! Oh well, more money to cough up!
Okay, that's all from me for now, 1 hour soon goes, maybe I should speed up my typing!