Further Reading

Saturday 21 June 2008

Daily Merlin Insight for June 2008

'Merlin Insight'

21st June 2008

Using 'Servants of the Light' tarot;

6 of Spheres
User Of Staves
4 of Crescents
9 of Weapons
The Lovers
Prime of Staves
Keeper of Staves
4 of Weapons

Randomly chosen images still herald The shining Star. I’m still adamant that MM is very much alive. Separated from her family by something political and something so immense that she is nothing more than a pawn in its workings. The 6 of Spheres is concerned with payments/ expectations of the Fool. A role to play for those who have the three young ones so dependant on them. One of three may well have been taken from them …. But circumstances are such that the abducted one will be returned … but only when the Dishevelled Woman seen in the image of the 4 of Crescents successfully relinquishes her hold on the situation. A woman of some influence calls the shots still. The prayers of the 9 Weapons have not been heard ….

The Lovers is a unity which defies logic. MM is held somewhere closer to home than can ever be imagined. She still fares well as those who look after her treat her as one of their own. They covert her … and it seems their identity is known to those at the centre of this.

Images of fishing boats and seagulls following are central to this. Whether it is Ireland or Cornwall there is something relevant. The sea has figured in this mystery so much. The two images of Staves keep the world at bay. They have the power to prevent disclosure though it was very close at one time. The representatives of the Unicorn have their hands tied. A woman of long golden hair instructs … keeps the peace …

The trojan horse has opened and a diamond has been seen in the field. It is apparent there is powerful merchandise here though searchers are no nearer finding the Shining Star. There is much distraction. Much deception.. The story heralded by the 4 of Weapons has pushed so much under the table.

Beyond the cliffs of Dover are the answers though the locality of the Shining Star appears to be north of the sight of these majestic white cliffs.

Donnie or Donald could well hold the answer though a flight over the straits of G will herald little.

Time moves on battle fought by the User of Staves continues. There is a sense of organised and planned maneuvers carefully considered.

MM is in safe hands
. Hands who think they can do a better job than G & K. There is resentment and anger. Deliberated actions. The Shining Star lives and breathes. There is no connection from the other side that suggests she has moved on. It may well be a long and winding road to her eventual reunion but she does still live on.

Someone very resentful of a commitment between her parents watches on. Influential in the world of prayer. Very influential in the world of action … motivated others to consider them for a role. Someone then was taken from their clutches though it seemed no real surprise to those at the core …. Something appalled those in the spheres of influence …. And they became the choice.

The Prime of Spheres states the obvious … the wood for the trees. It is plain before the eyes…..

It seems . More pressure of commitment to prove. Anything to get 'the diamond' back. What was used was something was that which offended those who could influence … and then a cause was born out of the situation.

Knife’s in the back – swinging swords of Damocles – for the followers or practitioners of a ‘religion within a religion’. Pressure being exerted, the noose tightening more and more for a decision … leading to an end game of some kind. Planned as the finale to an entire situation of which the taking of MM is but one face or one compartment. Someone may well be the member of an orthodox religion but also a follower of another ‘religion’ or ‘belief’ which the orthodox religion will not accept. Tension.

Where MM is found – eventually when the ‘powers that be’ decide – she will be found with a group of other children.

Southern Ireland does have a meaning – a significance – but it is not where I feel she will be found. I sense heat/sun at the locality she will eventually be taken to when she has to be found.

Forces of – and around - the Unicorn appear to be lead in the wrong direction by the investigation and all the resultant smoke screens created. Real evidence has somehow been replaced by plants. These plants and weeds have led the resultant media interest into the wrong directions. The real investigation appears not to be anything like the one which has been portrayed in the public eye.

The abduction of MM appears to be but a small fragment of the entire picture. Someone with ‘trained intelligence’ was behind the abduction. Rehearsed to a fine art it seems. Not the random snatching it appears to have been made out to be. Three/four people involved with one (possibly the female) who was relatively close to the McCanns. Someone with a ‘double life’ unbeknown to them. Orchestrating the operations. Someone ‘familiar’ to MM carried her to a waiting vehicle. Vehicle to quay/shore. Boat sneaking out … making its way to either another boat or further out to sea to a planned safe destination. Private land and beach on a secluded side of an island. Lying low until the next stage could be instigated. Intelligence forces appear to have known her locality in the early stages but a ‘power hand’ of a ‘significant family’ (think of the diamond) was able to prevent the wheel in motion which could have returned her in the first few days.

Desolate moorland and distant muggy mountains are where she often resides. Green rolling hills and narrow roads. Farmer’s fences and land rovers/range rovers. Indeed a black one with dark windows is a mode of transport for her from time to time. Down to a beach ... running along the beach … shells and sand. Whilst someone with a bucket picks scallops/mussels out of the water at low tide. The inlet appears like Scotland but more likely Ireland. There is a large estate nearby with deer seen in the grounds. The house is stone faced with a long entry road from a main road winding through to the front of the house. The public side. MM lives away from the main quarters in this large dwelling. She is kept away because there are many visitors to this place. People from other lands come here. It is the meeting place of the ‘underworld’ or the ‘hidden world’ of which the public are kept ignorant. MM is part of their plans; of their greater design?