Further Reading

Sunday 6 July 2008

Another 'Wonder' ...

The Crop Circle Connector; says: 'After an absence of some nine years, the Circlemakers have provided another kabblistic gift for all of us to share, and indeed a rather personal event for myself.

The last event connected to judiasm appeared in 1999 at Barbury Castle, nr Wroughton which included the entire Kabbalah or 'Tree of Life' design.

From the central element of the 2008 event we can clearly view the Jewish Kabballah, which literally means “receiving”

What a befitting symbolism, for we have certainly received another masterpiece in the landscape. This latest event is a little more subtle in its meaning than its 1999 counterpart, as the tree itself can be witnessed although slightly hidden from view due to the perimeter design.

What is intriguing about this design is the part of the tree which is partially hidden. The outer perimeter rings attached to the design, could represent the 12 signs of the Zodiac, which are part of the Rosy Cross of The Golden Dawn.

However as the tree repeats itself within the central part of the formation, it demonstrates that four degrees are always partially hidden.

Within the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn there are 10 degrees based on the ten degrees of the Sephiroth from the Qabalah (Kabbalah). The main emphasis and motive of passing through the degrees was to develop the personality through the higher self, and achieve god like status by identifying with universal energies and archetypes. The Malkuth which is the 10th degree is at the base of the Tree of Life, with the 1st and 2nd and 3rd degrees also partly hidden from view. These are the Keter (Will) Chochmah (wisdom) and Binah (understanding)

Interesting that all of these aspects of humanity have to improve if indeed we are to understand our place in the universe. '

The Ridgeway, nr. Avebury, Wiltshire, UK
Reported 15th June 2008