Further Reading

Friday 25 July 2008

The Book Of Enoch

The "Book of Enoch", translated by Richard Laurence in 1821 from scrolls found hidden in caves in Ethiopia in 1773. These scrolls were evidently hidden in the same historical period as the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Richard Laurence translation should not be confused with "The Secrets of Enoch" written in 1925 by some new age gutter author, or a more recent fanatical tome fabricated by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

The period of time talked about in the Book of Enoch transpired at least 1.8 million years ago. Genesis 6:6 occurred at least 1.8 million years ago There were many "Enochs" over the eons. The Book of Enoch talks of 200 "fallen angels", who "fell to earth" and were then stuck here while they tried to "repair" their conveyance.

Orders from their "leader" were to not fraternise with the "women" of earth. Of course the first thing all these "angels" did was to mate with every Earth woman they could find. Today, after many civilizations and languages, they are called Satan and his minions or Lucifer and his band of angels. In the Bible, Genesis: 6:6, and the "sons of God took the daughters of men for wives".

The "Book of Enoch" was declared apocryphal, and like the Book of Seth, and other ancient manuscripts, was denied entrance into the "approved" version of the original Bible by the Nicene Council of 325 A.D. But what is an Apocrypha? The etymology of the term shows that it is simply a SECRET BOOK, i.e. one that belonged to the catalogue of temple libraries under the guardianship of the Hierophants and initiated priests, and was NEVER meant for the common folk.

Apocrypha comes from the verb "crypto", "to hide". For ages the "Enoichion" (the Book of the SEER) was preserved in the "city of letters" and secret works, the ancient Kirjath-Sepher, later on called the Debir.

Some writers have tried to identify Enoch with Thoth of Memphis, the Greek Hermes, and even with the Latin Mercury. As individuals, all these are distinct from one another. Professionally, if one can use the word, now so limited in its sense, they belong ONE AND ALL to the same category of sacred writers, of Initiators and Recorders of Occult and ancient Wisdom.

Those in the "Kuran" (see Surat XIX), generically termed the Edris, or the "Learned" (the Initiated), bore in Egypt the name of "Thoth", the inventor of arts, sciences, writing or letters, of music and astronomy.

Among the Jews, the "Edris" became "Enoch", who, according to Bar- Hebraeus, "was the first inventor of writing," books, arts, and sciences, the FIRST to reduce to a system the progress of the planets.

In Greece he was called Orpheus, and thus changed his name with every nation! The number Seven was attached to, and connected with, each of those primitive Initiators, as well as the number 365, of the days in the year, astronomically, it identifies the mission, character, and the sacred office of ALL those men, but certainly NOT their personalities!

Enoch is the SEVENTH patriarch; Orpheus is the possessor of the "phorminx", the seven-stringed lyre, which is the seven-fold mystery of initiation. Thoth, with the seven- rayed Solar Discus on his head, travels in the Solar boat, the 365 degrees, jumping out every fourth (leap) year for one day.

Finally, Thoth-Lunus is the septenary god of the seven days, or the week. Esoterically and spiritually, "Enoichion" means "The Seer of the Open Eye".

The story about Enoch, told by Josephus, namely, that he had concealed under the pillars of Mercury or Seth his precious rolls or books, is the same as that told of Hermes, the "Father of Wisdom", who concealed his books of Wisdom under a pillar, and then, finding the two pillars of stone, found the science written thereon. Yet Josephus, notwithstanding his constant efforts to give Israel unmerited glorification, by attributing the science(Wisdom) to the Jewish "Enoch", shows the pillars as still existing during his time.

He tells us that they were built by Seth; and so they may have been, only neither by the Patriarch ofthat name, the fabled son of Adam, nor by the Egyptian god of Wisdom - Teth, Set, Thoth, Tat, Sat (the later Sat-an), or Hermes, who are ALL ONE, - but by the "sons of the Serpent-god",or "Sons of the Dragon", the name under which the Hierophants of Egypt and Babylon were known BEFORE THE DELUGE, as were their forefathers, the Atlanteans.

Quetzalcoatl, "the Great White Reformer" (aryan), thought there were "two totems" in conflict when he took his "aerial tour" of North America. These conflicting totems were called the"Wind God" and the "Great Dragon". The Great Dragon easily turns into the "Sons of the Dragon" and the Wind God easily transforms into the "Eagle clutching the arrows" that flys on the wind. Two tribes warring from eons ago.