Further Reading

Friday 11 July 2008

Enochian Chess

The major difference between Enochian Chess and the modern game is that in the former, when using it for divinatory purposes, the moves are decided by the throwing of a dice. Depending upon the number disclosed by the dice, so must a certain piece be moved, for the numbers are attributed to pieces. The actual details of the move--that is whether to right or left, backward or forward, to take an opponent or to press forward--are quite obviously left to the personal ingenium and divining mind of the player. The dice only determines specifically that such and such a piece shall be played.

The Prime Mover, or the owner of the Ptah piece, plays first, and his first move is to be decided by the throw of a dice to indicate which piece or pawn he must first play. Each player follows in rotation, deosil, that is round the board with the sun from the prime player. First the prime player moves, and if his setting is Air, the follow the Water pieces, the Fire pieces, the Earth pieces, and then back again to the Air who is the prime mover.

For the purposes of Divination, an additional piece was employed. This was called the Ptah. Any book dealing with the Egyptian God-forms will describe the form in question. A small figure of this should be made, and on the board it will represent the question or matter of divination. The mode of employing it is simple. It has no power at all, and is not actually used in the play. It is only used by the first player to be set on any square in the Lesser Angle from which he begins his play. Any square, that is, except the one on which the King first stands. The King must reach, in the course of the game, this square on which the Ptah is set and remain there for one round of the game undisturbed--that is without moving therefrom--and unchecked. A knowledge of the nature of the Pyramids with their elemental composition, and some knowledge of the Angelic forces represented by those squares and Pyramids, will decide the player as to what square shall be selected for the placing of the Ptah.

If the divinatory question concerns the fiery Lesser Angle of the Element of Earth, a question involving Capricornus and the figure Carcer ruled by Zazel, then the Ptah probably should be placed upon a square of the Angle which is the nature of Cardinal Earth, as representing the Yod type of Earth, or on Elemental Fire, that is the Heh (final) type of Fire.

Source: Chaosmatrix.org