Further Reading

Monday 21 July 2008

'Message to the living'

Magic Journal
Monday 21st July 2008
Dream Recall

A striking lucid dream around 4.45 am this morning (I'd made a trip to the bathroom around 4.25am and I know it was not long after settling back into bed) ...

"I found myself as a 'guest speaker' at a mediumship demonstration at an unknown destination hosted by someone I recognised from my past in this current existence. The destination comprised a large cavernous hall which was filled with literally hundreds of people milling around me in every direction.

I knew from the onset people had come to this venue to receive 'messages from the other side'. There was a surreal and other world sense to this situation. Moments into the 'demonstration' I was drawn to an elderly lady standing on my right hand side against a wall of the cavern. I proceeded to deliver a message relating to an auntie and a grandmother who had 'passed' over. The lady knew who I was relating to ... could take the information except for the part about them 'passing over'.

I gleaned from her reaction that it was she who'd passed over and it was the auntie and the grandmother who were still very much alive on the current physical plane."

At this point I gained control of the 'dream' and realised I was playing the role of a 'communicator' on the other side ... and the audience was relying on me to convey their messages over to a demonstration medium on the earth plane!

Needless to say the remainder of the 'dream' involved passing forth the messages of 'the dead' to 'the living' ..."

No dream symbolism required for this dream sequence because it was most certainly not a dream ... it was a lucid experience ... an astral projection. I hasten to wonder now, if 'the familiar face' who was the organiser of the demonstration on the other side, is perhaps over on the other side now too ... it is the second or third in the sequence of recent 'projections' which the familiar face has featured.