Further Reading

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Trance Channelling

Trance Channelling is first and foremost a means of communication. It is a means very much akin to what many people think of as telepathy. A very fair comparison can be drawn between common television and radio signal receptions and Trance Channelling. But since the most commonly used interactive, or two way, communications today in the mid 1990's take place through an instrument known as the telephone, we will start by comparing the person doing the Trance Channelling, i.e. the Trance Channel, to a common telephone.

By using a Trance Channel one being can communicate with another being at great apparent distances. However, in the case of a Trance Channel, one can communicate across distances measured in space, time, and / or distances between dimensions. This may sound a little like something out of Star Trek, but it is nonetheless true whether the so called mainstream believes it or not.

Both the Trance Channel and the telephone are instruments. One instrument is telephonic and the other instrument is telepathic. In both cases a signal of sorts is received by the instrument. The instrument then converts the signal to a pattern recognizable by the recipient. In the case of a telephone that pattern is sound, usually the spoken word. With a Trance Channel, the communication patterns reproduced may include speech, handwriting, typing, facial expressions, body language, and any other pattern of communication that the human body is capable of.

Trance Channelling is when a person, the Trance Channel, lets his or her conscious self step aside, or in some cases leave the body as in an out-of-body experience or a dream, allowing an entity from any one of various sources to then project its consciousness in such a way that the Trance Channel's body responds. This usually will involve speech and some level of movement by the body, or to use our metaphor, movement by the Trance Channeling instrument.

The channelled entity is not actually in the Trance Channeling instrument, any more than the voice you hear on a telephone is the actual voice of the person on the other end. It is a recreation. The body of the Trance Channel recreates an approximation of the communications projected by the channeled entity in much the same way as the speaker in the telephone ear piece recreates an approximation of the spoken words of the person on the other end of the line.