Further Reading

Monday, 14 July 2008

A Word on the Encrypted Insights

.... And still the mystery endures. Still the 'Insights' are a subject of confusion, deliberation and derision amid the tumultous realms of cyberspace. Nothing has been changed with regard to the cryptic and mirage like quality of the 'Insights'.

They cannot be anything other than 'cryptic' and 'confusing'. There is a real life 'game of chess' taking place somewhere out there. The 'Insights' cannot be, what is best described as 'bottom line' ... they have to be cloaked in mystique ....

There has to be an overwhelming air of 'security' with regard to the content of these clairvoyant insights being aired on a 'public' forum. It is not possible to monitor just 'who it is' that read them. Just about anyone can gain access to the Insight pages and scrutinise them ...

Bemused observers and those involved can be reading the insights .... at any time. Therefore it is critical not to risk compromising the safety of a known individual by being seen to reveal publically the nitty gritty of the situation. It is critical that certain elements of the situation are also not made available to public viewing.

Professional discretion and confidentiality dictates that the encryption remains on the Insights. When publishing the 'Insights' much care and attention is undertaken to ensure that the content of transcripts continues to be shrouded in this veil of mystique.

For the confused and the ridiculing, it comes as no comfort that the Insights appear like 'gobbly gook'. It matters not that this is a reality. It just HAS to be. To these factions I say ... if it were you that was part of the situation, would you be wanting 'revealing insights' regularly published on a public blog? Would you be wanting exact facts being written in plain English that might compromise your delicate situation. No you wouldn't. Therefore, much sympathy and compassion is continually extended to those involved ....

But know this ... certain truths and facts ARE written into the 'Insights'. Portions are there to be seen. The jigsaw pieces can be grasped within the transcripts, pieces which involved parties can perhaps plainly see. But where and what .... my lips are sealed.