Further Reading

Thursday 24 July 2008

A Word on the Shining Star ...

A focus on the Shining Star and 'the who and what is around' at this time. The murmur of voices sound around me. There is something of significance on the air. But to commit to an accurate line of time on the manifest ... is not the easiest thing.

A elderly lady sounds out louder than the rest. She calls to be heard. The sole word 'bairn' sounds in the back of my mind. An image of the one in question and it confirms the theme. An old red car is is apparently hidden within a farmyard .. it appears bairn could also be barn. Within the straw bales are vital clues. If only the cold trail could lead to this place. Somewhere in the hills. An almost 'one horse' town. There is evidence which could lead. A sense of urgency before petrol can and match will burn down this sandy colour stone building. It appears to be a place close to where eyes have searched before ...

But look for the most unlikely evidence. At the bottom of the pile. Scribbled in pencil within the confines of a hard back blue book. The handwriting is poor. But just when nigh on two dozen pages are read and discarded ... there is writing different to the rest. It leads to a trail ... the evidence stacks to someone familiar did link with the girl after the time she has been said not to have survived. The trail came close and then went away.

Me, myself and I remain convinced that famous picture in Morocco was indeed she ... and she slipped by somehow ... but alas, that is now the past and all that lies ahead is a supposedly unknown future. But in it there is the recurrent murmur she will indeed be returned alive. But only when the borrowing is meant to be over ...

Around the Shining Star, in brief ... the Two of Crescents and with it the reminder that 'the crescent is but a reflection on the waters'. All is indeed not what it seems. That which is seen to be apparently believed is in someway an illusion. It is not the true picture at all. The Eight of Staves and its ladder to climb to reach the crown at its top. To stand there with the sun in your face. The prevalence of rungs and stages. Milestones to be reached. Most certainly July passes to August before the reports of 'a crown' and the signs of new growth in it all. Perhaps new leads come to light from the branches of the old. Leads are most certainly extinguished and their findings left untold. That is until the crown. There is a link with a crown ... new cuttings that lead to new growth?

Two of Weapons and the battle in full flow behind closed doors. The tensions and the pressures away from the public eye. Two seperate hands fight for contention ... and the right to wield the flaming sword. A figurehead for two causes it seems. Rebellion it seems. The Prime of Staves finally and the prime reason for the disappearance. The 'ancient figure' made of wood. From which the fibres of influence stem. Even the unicorn bows to this figure. Even the worker bees hover over the hillsides awaiting instruction from this quarter. There is bated breath here ... and the decision to/not to print the revelation or headline story. It is already written it seems. This is a situation which has already an ending. It was devised right at the start. Piece by piece the onion skins are so carefully removed behind the veneer of a 'bundled investigation'.