Further Reading

Sunday 27 July 2008

A Word on 'The True Self', 'The False Ego' and Psychic Development

'Psychic Self development' is dependant on the ability to distance the mind, firstly from the distracting rigours of the every day - demands of work/career, mortgage and rental repayment worries, woes relating to increased fuel and power costs etc - these distractions will almost certainly be foremost in the conscious mind. They stand as the first barrier to penetrate. The first wave of conscious reminders to hold back and switch off in the quest to improve psychic awareness.

The secondary level of distraction which will be encountered, usually as the next layer or interwoven with the every day demands, is the worries and pressures exerted on us by family and friends. What is expected of us. Our standing with family and with friends. This second layer has to be 'silenced' in order to attain the 'thought clear' state of mind which is vital in all forms of contemplative and meditative states that are required for any mind reprogramming.

You see, psychic development in my understanding of the term, relates to the psyche or the inner ID. The inner identity. Which is the 'true self' or the consciousness at the core of being which indicates the sentient being which is at the core of your existence. We are all side stepped from these 'real issues' ... the spiritual health and wellbeing of our selves ... by the material trivia which surrounds us. We are all lost in the material world. Trapped in its rigours. Too lost in the survival mode to ever truly connect with the inner self. Often we can clear our minds for a short length of time. Just enough to commence the journey to the core of being. But then, just as we begin reaching that inner peace and inner 'love' ... a stray thought from the surface will distract us and send us back to the forefront consciousness in our mind. That journey is lost and we are once more encapsulated by the mundane physical world dramas.

Then there is the 'false ego' .... a part of us that acts like another barrier to prevent us making the journey to the centre of being. It knows that when the true self is in the driving seat, it will cease to exist. The false ego is a shell of mind which exists entirely as a creation of the outside world around us. It is programmed through conformity and acceptance. Once in control, it is very difficult to overcome. However, it should never be destroyed totally as it is a necessary part of the mind to survive in this world around us. Instead it should be controlled and be a slave to the true self.

Psychic development is all about, in my opinion, attuning the conscious mind to the needs and comprehension of the true inner self. All about permitting the truly anticipated person written into the blueprint at birth to become in control on the conscious every day mind.