Further Reading

Sunday 17 August 2008

Beliefs and Their Energy Systems

All beliefs have energy systems that act like birthing rooms for the manifestation of the belief. Within these energy systems are currents that direct your life experience. You are aware of these currents either consciously or subconsciously, and you allow them to carry you into the realm of experience that best exemplifies your true belief system.

Belief systems resonate with, and are the byproduct of, the dominant energy system of a sympathetic group, culture, and even species. Thus, energy systems are more fundamental than beliefs, and create experience that creates beliefs. Energy systems are wide ranging in their context, but as they relate to beliefs, they can be defined as primordial thought forms crystallized within the human DNA. Some would refer to these fundamental energy systems as instinctual knowledge.

Within each entity is the genetic compound of its ancestry, moving across innumerable generations and species, and, in the vastness of galactic time, this genetic compound accumulates energy systems that pertain to how one survives in the three-dimensional universe. Thus, survival is the dominant energy system of the human entity, which informs its genetic code and triggers its life experience and beliefs.

Survival is the focal point of conformity. When an entity believes so deeply in survival, it is near impossible to break from the conformity that survival requires. And so, the human species, rooted in an energy system of survival, has become a conformist to the dictates of its genetic predispositions and instincts, and its experience reflects this, conditioning its belief system to follow.

Life circumstances do not differentiate nor insulate an entity from this pervasive reality. Thus the equation for three-dimensionally based species: Survival-Based Energy System + Galactic Time = Conformist Life Experience = Belief System. What this means is that survival, as the core energy system of the species, will beget over long periods of time, a life experience that produces conformity to the requirements of survival. Consequently, belief systems are largely a byproduct of the genetically based instinct to conform in order to survive.

The cycle of conformity entrains energy systems of individuals and groups, and it casts belief systems that obey the energy system just as surely as a shadow conforms to the general shape of an object. Within the boundaries of the survival-based energy system are transition zones that permit a re-casting of one's belief system in accordance to cosmological, multidimensional energy systems. Think of these transition zones as isolated portals of energy that intersect the dominant energy system of the human species not unlike energy vortexes intersecting space.

The energy system that permeates terra-earth -- creating predictable belief systems of conformity -- will be energetically transformed to enable more accessible transition zones. How one accesses these portals or transition zones and utilizes their enabling energy system will be the real issue of your 21st century.

Think of these transition zones as portals that lead one out of the prevailing energy system of survival and conformity of the mind-body into a new energy system that is of the mind-soul. The mind-soul energy system is characterized by creative energy directed to realizing that the Wholeness Navigator is the personality that endures and is therefore the creator of enduring beliefs and life experience. When this realization is achieved by accessing one of these transition zones or portals, the entity can begin to restructure their belief system independent of time and the predominant notion of survival. (Read More ...)

Source: Wingmakers