Further Reading

Friday 1 August 2008

A daily dose of garlic can save your life by cutting blood pressure, say researchers

Garlic may lower blood pressure just as effectively as drugs, according to researchers.

Scientists looked at 11 international studies in which patients were given a daily garlic supplement in powdered form for between three and five months.

They found significant blood pressure falls among participants - with the greatest drops among those who had higher blood pressure readings to begin with.

In some cases, the effects were similar to those achieved with common anti-blood pressure drugs, such as beta blockers and ACE inhibitors, said Dr Karin Ried, of Adelaide University in South Australia.

More than 16million Britons have high blood pressure and many more are thought to suffer from it without knowing. If the condition is not treated, it can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Doctors recommend that sufferers lower their blood pressure by cutting their intake of salt, losing weight and getting fit.

Now the Australian research suggests that extra help is at hand in readily available over the counter garlic supplements. (Read More ...)