Further Reading

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Daily Merlin 'Amsterdam'

An apt time to connect to higher awareness once more. The deceit circling round the main characters in this enduring epic ... remains ... even though names have been cleared. The jigsaw pieces handed over now, after the event ... priceless or worthless? Only time will tell.

Winding awareness back to early in the trail. Back to the time of highlighted in the media coverage. Something said back then ... from an unexpected source recalled at the very name of Amsterdam. A source contacting out of the blue, unaware of the tentative involvement back then. Stating that place in Holland with the canals as a likely destination. This snippet now in the lap of appropriate sources. It is a collaboration perhaps to the current story ... if it can be accepted as proving fact within the pages and pages of speculation?

The purpose thus, of heightening awareness at this point of time, to explore the essence of the revelation. To travel remotely to that time ... and perhaps see what was and what could have been.

The lead may prove to be too late now to aid in the direction of the trail. But it would prove without a shadow of a doubt Maddie was alive after the apartment. That she did not perish within the apartment. There was so much intentional distraction from July onwards with the advent of the blood on the wall stories and beyond. Almost a bragging 'look what we can do to you' ... creation of the myth of the DNA and the smothering of the real trail. A denial of the truth and the harmful evolution of distractions to further bury the trail.

A sense of one sighting which could well be kosher. Above board. Truth at last within a cesspit of shameful deceptions. It could be. Will we ever know for sure? On the strength of the Daily Mail report it would seem a real possibility ... "I noticed the little girl spoke good English without an accent. Next I asked the little girl what her name was and she said, "My name is Maggie". At least that's what I thought she said. When I repeated it, the little girl said, "No, my name is Maddie".'I still remember that because I thought it was a rare name which you didn't often hear. 'I then asked her where she had last seen her mother and she answered, "They took me from my holiday".

'I thought it all a little odd and then I heard the woman call the girl. She didn't call her Maddie, but a longer name. She could have said Madeleine but I don't remember that."

If this is the case then it is a real crying shame this has come to light only now.

Turning to the Servants of the Light ... as a key to the door, as the inspiration ... Seeking the answer to 'was it indeed Madeleine McCann seen in Amsterdam?'

Initially the Four of Spheres ... and the 'upturned pandora's box' as I have come to associate this card. The image of the sun and a horn of plenty can be seen on the box. Secrets unearthed once hidden ... just one of the many perhaps to come to light. Jumping to the wrong conclusions here seem the risk but the Lovers image next has drawn my attention to a 'blond woman' who witnessed the wedding. Someone asked perhaps to give her blessing. It is a strange revelation. But the sense here of a religious or business link to Holland associating here ... someone or something working in isolation like a rocky island surrounded by sea (apologies for the symbolism) ... someone very much on a limb or on their own here.

The Maker of Crescents shows 'the charioteer' flaunting possession of the crescent ... letting it be known somewhere and to someone they indeed have or had the prize. Whether this relates to Amsterdam ... but someone in control of the direction of the situation is getting the message across (back then?) that they did indeed have custodianship of the crescent moon fragment. The maker of deceptions and illusions with the chariot being the media campaign which is projected before the public eye. The face of it all created for all to react to in the way they have been meant to. Through every twist and turn ... across every rise and fall of the torrid waves. There is a real sense of manufactured situations through which someone can learn people's reactions to the likes of what has been explored in recent times. Maddie has not been with a pedophile ring ... or with child slavery ... that is the strong sense that comes with this insight. Amsterdam may well have been a port of call somewhere along the trail ... kept on file deliberately ... because the sense of Maddy being with other children and a family does not shape with the impressions being generated at the time. The three of staves once again ... the sacred triangle .. a card of recovery ... recovery of the real trail it seems ... cold as it may well be ... or a loop in the string lassoing our attention to another corridor in the maze?

Whatever ... the impression that rides with this insight ... it could well have been Maddie. I ask thus the two old dears to provide their awareness if they are there to be heard ... seeing immediately the boards of a theatre or stage ... an audience is still and expectant awaiting the lone speaker before them who is ready to speak. There is a hush and a still. One word either way ... 'yes' ... the strangest of impressions.

'She is neither here or there. She is not with us for sure ... but she is not there where she was hence it is safe to broadcast that sighting. It will not affect they who now hold her. It is the first pearl from the necklace which was discarded. There are others there ... handwritten notes. .... a document out of place with others. Deep within it all. Missed on the first number of viewings. But blue is the emphasis. To come to light the red lion ...'