Further Reading

Wednesday 6 August 2008

The Element of Water

Suit: Cups.

Intuition, psychism, feelings and the whole range of human emotions come under the dominion of Water. From Water comes our dreams and visions, and the inner life of every human being.

Eighty per cent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water and eighty per cent of our body is water - and it is certainly true that our emotions and instincts take up an equally great proportion of our time! We worry about love and lovers more than we worry about anything else in our lives, so we really have to learn to maintain the balance of the Water element within us.

If you have ever sat and watched the ocean, the ‘Great Mother’, you will have noticed the relentless surge and ebb of the waves. Our reactions to our emotions are like this - they sweep across us and wash away reason as well as debris. This is Water - turbulent, still, reflective, ruffled, powerful, yet also subtle and understated. We can lose all perspective when we are ruled by our emotions, but when we rule them we become infinitely more powerful.

Experiencing the Water element is about matters of love, romance, joy, happiness and creativity. As well as emotion, intuition and psychism we also see Art, literature, design, poetry, music and most crafts.

Cups have a strong link with Venus and the Moon. Venus governs loving emotions and the Moon has much to do with matters of receptivity. Many of the mysteries of the Moon are reflected in the suit of Cups.

Water is a passive element, dealing with the inner us - our love, dreams and our ability to ‘read’ atmosphere an situation.

So this is Water, the suit which helps us with our inner emotional, creative and psychic spheres.