Further Reading

Sunday 31 August 2008

An Introduction to 'Spiritual Self Development'

It is true that every one of us has psychic powers, extrasensory abilities that can extend our experience and insight to the world we live in. We depend upon these abilities even without realizing it, using intuition to make decisions, making 'lucky' guesses, especially in areas that we are skilled in or enjoy. But for most of the time, we remain unaware of this potentially explosive ability that we have at our fingertips!

As much as it is true that we all have these abilities, just like any gift or facility, these talents can lie dormant until they are developed through practice and exercise.

Before delving into the development of these gifts, it is important to understand that there are many types of psychic ability (which have been discussed previously on ALITD):

Clairvoyance - The ability to psychically see clearly;

Clairsentience - The ability to psychically feel or sense clearly;

Clairaudience - The ability to psychically hear clearly

Each of these categories covers a range of gifts and abilities the likes of which vary from person to person. Clairvoyance, for example, can include vivid dreams, visions, seeing auras around people as you look at them, or closing your eyes and seeing auras and much more. Furthermore, each person has all of these gifts, but to varying degrees. So one individual may have wonderful clairvoyance, good clairaudience, but minimal Clairsentience.

As you develop your psychic gifts you will discover your strengths and weaknesses. It's important to develop all of the psychic gifts as all of them have the potential to expand and grow. Also, you may find with a little work, what was once considered your weakest gift can become an extraordinarily strong talent.

Developing your natural gifts is actually quite easy and much of their maturation comes from your intention to progress and the effort you put in to them rather than the exercises themselves. It is important to remove all over exerted effort or force. Imagine that the work you are doing is being fuelled by a river of energy flowing through you rather than being forced or pushed by you. With each exercise you perform, focus on the activity itself rather than worrying about getting a good outcome, just enjoy the exercise for it's own sake.

Prior to starting the psychic development exercises, it is first important to understand how to protect yourself. Protection is important in any area of life, for example, you would not send a child off to walk to school on her own without first teaching her the skills involved in crossing the road safely. Likewise, in developing your psychic ability, you are stepping in to a new area of life, and it is important to do this work safely. These protection techniques will help you to do that.

Why Protection?
Here on Earth, we have healthy and unhealthy people. Violence, hatred, bigotry of all kinds abound. To some degree we have all learnt to create boundaries for ourselves that protect us from the worst of this focus and behavior.

As you develop your psychic gifts, you are opening the ability to tune in to people and energies in ways that you previously have not been able to. It is therefore important, to learn how to protect yourself at these new levels as well. These exercises are simple to use, and are powerful. The important thing to remember is to focus on the river of energy running through you that is being used to build this protection, rather than relying on your own energy and your own mind.

The Mirrorball Exercise
This exercise is a simple visualisation. It is as powerful as it is simple. Simply visualise a giant, sparkling, spinning mirrorball completely surrounding you. Each time a negative thought, focus, or being of any kind comes your way, they are repelled by the blinding light that they are faced with. This is a great exercise to do if you spend a lot of time around negative or needy people.

Once you have completed your practice and development session, make sure you ground yourself. Grounding is being fully connected to your physical body and the Earth. You can become ungrounded in a number of ways, but one of them is by working with your psychic gifts. When you do this work, you raise the level of psychic light or energy that is running through your conscious mind to the point where it can become unsettled and you can feel lightheaded, vague, disconnected. To remedy this, simply do something very physical. Wash the dishes, eat some food, dance to music with a heavy base or beat, or step outside and walk around barefooted on the Earth. These are all easy to follow actions that will bring you fully back into your body.