Further Reading

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Old Norse Mythology

The Old Norse Mythology is rather fascinating. The ones acquainted with the world of Tolkien can to some extent recognize themselves when dealing with this mythology. According to the old tales a man with the name of Gylfe, king of Svithiod, once entered the home of the gods and there he was told how the world begun. He met with three beings which had the names: Hög (High), Tredje (Third) and jämnhög (Even Height or something like that ;-).

They told him how the world had been created and how everything was done. In the beginning there was the abyss (Ginnungagapet), North of this there was Nifelheim, the world of cold where Cold and Darkness rules. Frosty mists rose from the cold well of Hvergelmer. In the south there was the hot Muspelheim, a place where the being Surte ruled with a flaming sword. The mists from Hvergelmer formed the frozen stream of Elivågor which flowed in to the Ginnungagap and filled it with ice. But at the same time flares from Muspelheim fell into the abyss and the falling drops which became the result of the mix of flares and ice formed two giant beings: A cow with the name 'Audhumbla' and a giant named 'Ymer'. Ymer got his food from the cow by means of four mouths which he used to milk the cows four nipples. Audhumbla in turn lived on the white frost ont the rocks.

Her warm breath created a man called Bure wich by some mysterious way managed to get hold of a wife (it is not described how) and they where the first of the Asa dynasty of which Oden, Vile and Ve would be the greatest.

Ymer on his side created several different creatures. From his left arm a lovely couple sprung, from which the three fates Urd, Verdandi, Skuld (Guilt) and the wise Mimer came. His feet on the other hand created a three headed monster wich became the ancestor of the Rimtusarnas evil giant family.

Oden, wich destiny had choosen to become the one who would fullfill the creation, killed the giant Ymer (with help from his two brothers) and used his body as a ground for the new world. His blood became the sea (Where all the Rimtusarnas but one drowned). His skull became the sky. The bones in his sceleton became mountains, his brain the clouds and his tissues was grinded in the great mill 'Grottekvarnen', around whose main axis the universe turned, to become the dirt. The mill was driven by the giantesses Fenja and Menja. Ymers Eyebrows became a wall against the inhabitable surroundings. This new world was called Midgård.

The world down under was divided into three kingdoms each one with its own well. Hvergelmer, Mimers well and Urda well.From the Ginnungagap a large ash with the name 'Ygdrasil' grow. The branches of Ygdrasil covered all the then known world.In Hvergelmer the dragon Nidh”g lies and gnaws on the rots of the tree. Mimers well on the other hand is the well of wisedom, guarded by Mimer, Oden once gave his right eye for a drink of the water in this well.

At Urdawell which is guarded by the three fates the gods have their conferences each day. They ride daily over the bridge Bifrost, a bridge which shimmers in all the colours of the rainbow and is watched by the god Heimdal (also called Rig), nine mothers and nine sisters son and beholder of Gjallarhornet which is nordic tales last trump . Heimdal sleeps lighter than the bird, sees one hundred traveldays in each direction from his castle Himinbjorg and has such sharp hearing that he can hear the grass and the wool grow.

Once when Oden and his brothers where out taking a walk at the shore of the sea in Midgård, he found two Sceptring (?) trees with the names Ask and Embla. They set them free from the earth and gave them blood, power of motion, intelligence, will, fantasy and spirit. They where formed after their own appearence. From this couple the whole humanity evolved. The fate Urd gives every human a being called Fylgia at birth . This being are to follow her throughout his/her life.

Odens wife is called Frigg, and his sons ar called Tor and Balder. Tor is the strongest of the gods and is allways in war with the giants. He is armed with his 'strength belt' Megingjord and the hammer 'Mjölner' which like a boomerang allways return to his hand after a throw. He is travelling through space in a wagon which is pulled by the goats 'Tandgniostr' and 'Tandgrisner'. About his fights with the giants there is a lot of fascinating stories which have the character of folklore tales and which most certainly never have been accepted by the believing. As the god of thunder he enjoyed respectfull worshiping from the believers which can be proved by among other things the surviving names on villages (Thorsvik) and in other words like 'tordön' (The sound of lightning), torsdag (Thursday). (Read More ...)