Further Reading

Friday 8 August 2008

Pictured: The couple 'spotted in Amsterdam with Maddie lookalike'

These are the first pictures of a couple seen with the little girl who told a shopkeeper in Holland 'My name is Maddie, they took me from my holiday'.

The artist's impressions were created with the help of Anna Stam who saw the girl in her party shop in Amsterdam days after Madeleine McCann vanished.

The sketches, first published in the Daily Mirror, show a swarthy man aged 35-40 with a moustache and a woman in her 40s with brown hair.

The man was speaking in Portuguese and the woman in French, according to the paper.

Ms Stam told the Mirror: 'They fit the faces I remember. I just hope its not too late and we can do some good.'

Her report was one of a number of potential sightings that emerged in the official police files released this week. The MCanns are now treating it as a priority. (Daily Mail 8th August 2008)