Further Reading

Tuesday 19 August 2008

A Quick Insight

A quick DMI insight using Servants of the Light tarot, and another [undisclosed] divination aid. Feeling almost immediately light headed with attention drawn to a slight discomfort around the chin area (lower gums/jaw discomfort). An aching right wrist. A weariness around the eyes. A dryness of the mouth. Inactivity, almost like the subject is reading or watching a DVD/film. Attention is most certainly focussed at this time. A mind has little chit chat. Not even the attention elsewhere in the room can break this concentration. Determined mind when it chooses. Sitting on a carpetted floor? A sense of roughness against the skin. But no discomfort. Accustomed to being on its own, this mind seems oblivious to the attention around it. A sense of a fleeting image of green string or cotton? Like a net or twine? Fleeting images of a boat? Below deck springs to mind but then are gone. A narrow passageway along which there was regular travel in the past. Past a room where there are many heated discussions. Towards a much bigger room and somewhere there who is almost always kind. To other children. More than one woman in this room. Then this image fades and attention returns to the focal point. Apprehension/tension a building feeling ... the heart racing a little quicker. A hand lifting a glass nearby and a drink of perhaps lemonade? Tension on the crown of the head. A headache.

Breaking now this link and turning to the SOTL tarot ....

Five familiar images - User of Crescents, Five of Weapons, Giver of Weapons, Six of Spheres, Eight of Spheres. So much still in the air/in the balance. Calmness somewhere deep within the 'glaze' of confusion. Still. Four swords battling the parry of one sword. The kneeling knight awaiting the touch of the flaming sword on his shoulders amid the forest with the stag looking on. The symbolism which has been a regular companion to the mystery ... the replica crescent upon the altar .... like a prize paraded before the 'watching man in the moon'. No new insights here, just more of the confusing same. The period of these images appears to be the present - mid September 2008. The hand of 'the fool' appears to take 'spheres' from out of the basket, passing them forth to three sets of waiting hands? The passage of information ... compensation or more expense?

A final image for the insight chosen at will from the SOTL pack - the Maker of Weapons which symbolises the creation of the Flaming Sword. The root cause of the situation to be discovered ... and the mystery to be solved. The 'maker' stands within a 'holy place' predetermining the event seemingly with his/her god on her side. There is a flaming forge to his/her left ... symbolic perhaps of a devotion or cause that requires the action which is being planned in this captured snapshot of the past. The anvil upon which the sword is being created is symbolically seen to ride on the back of the 'bespectacled man'. The intention of it all appears to have gathered together as much public/world wide attention as possible.