Further Reading

Monday 4 August 2008

The Sacred Triangle

Tonight's 'observation' appears strange, maligned ... misdirected even ... seeing something different. Another focus from another direction. But lo! There is a common link it seems. Coincidence ... nay. A perfect cover some would say. A mask. A bend in the bowstring ...

Appearing out of the blue ... yes. But perhaps not was expected. Why now ... and there is a fool within the script too it seems. A real life fall guy. So, yes I speak in riddles. But often it is the best way. A toss of the dice and a gamble it seems. To distract watching eyes another way from the obvious. Many weeks for this latest one to reach fruition. Permitting something below the table to sneak away unchallenged. The dust from under the carpet expertly washed. Because ... it was ledft out there in plain view ...

Can't help but see it this way ... it is in my nature to muse, and to see what others cannot see. But say it in a way that it remains, shall we say 'under wraps'. On the scene in one ... on the scene in two ... now that is quite coincidental. Suspicious even to some. But ... perhaps not.

For one it seemed perfectly innocent to delve. To research. Aware of the risks and the downfalls. But it was in one's nature to question ... and to gain the answers to temper an inquisitive heart. Yet, in the end too close to the bullseye resulted one single look and then it was over. Sadly. Without knowing that someone ... aware of the risk, perhaps even warned. Taking it seriously but not letting that intimidation change life.

Watched nearby from a blended viewpoint. No attention drawn. Discovery was the four of spheres and the upturned pandora's box. The contents viewed and the chance for those secrets to be divulged. A risk perhaps too great. Put that one who was at two ... at the centre of the situation. Aware of the information highway ... able to switch and dictate. Do as is told to keep silence the golden word ...

Three of Staves and the triangle with three points. Within that sacred triangle the answer lies. Is kept tightly lipped within the heart of the city . No word or clue can be uttered. There can be only silence ... hence the silent silhouette of the Maker of Staves.