Further Reading

Saturday 23 August 2008

The Shining Star amid the 'Living Trees'

Quick Insight 23/8/08
What are the impressions which are sensed regarding 'the Shining Star' at this time?

The Prime of Weapons (Ace of Swords) ... the 'Flaming Sword' within the Servants of the Light tarot. An enduring 'living' flame. Nervous energy and a mischievous spirit upon the earth plane. Certainly jaded by the events of the last 15 months. No doubt her life will not be the same. Having been chosen to be central to it all ... she appears to have endured the situation relatively well. Somehow she has found an inner reservoir of strength and endurance. Able to place a protective cocoon around herself mentally. Permitting endurance. A very determined character and one not easily forced into doing things against her will. A sense of a quick temper ... a battle of wills with this spirit is not something easy to overcome. Even at her young age, she knows what she wants and seemingly how to get it.

She is sensed has having responded well to female company around her. Surprisingly older than her years she has associated with other children quite a bit older than herself. There seems four adults who have tried to 'pierce' the protective cocoon she has placed around herself. There seems to have been the need to 'extract' information from her. But what can a four/five year old have that can be of value to these four individuals?

A sense of the canals around Amsterdam. She may well have ventured there at one time. It would have been cold because one of her custodians at that time was putting a warm overcoat on in the vision.

Nine of Weapons ... swords in the back for those who still pray for the safe return of the Shining Star. An unimaginable pressure exerted on her family. The sense of her being paraded like a 'prize' to further punish those who carry that hope. The relevance/specifics of there being 'eight swords' to be determined in a later insight. But it seems events from the past have caused the swords of Damocles to be hung above their heads.

Maker of Spheres ... a robed figure juggles four spheres in its hands. Four sightings or four instances that were indeed the missing Shining Star I wonder? In the background of the image stands a lone child. Between the robed figure and the child is an undeterminable landscape. Ancient trees bear faces ... ancient forces known to this world only by their 'public face' it seems. Branches of organisations which shape the very landscape we call this world. The lone figure stands on the horizon. In the foreground worker bees busy themselves around the robed figure. The figure a servant of these 'living trees' ... perhaps preparing to divulge what has been instructed ... to the worker bees?

In conclusion ... the Shining Star is very much alive and there is still the sense she is to be returned to her family. This event is written into the plans of the 'Living Trees' ... to be controlled as much as all the other twists and turns in this mystery.