Further Reading

Friday 29 August 2008

The Six Colour Grid - "Solution"

The Solution to the last practice yourself - The Six Colour Grid is the following combination of colours:

Believe me, these type of exercises are NOT easy. It takes plenty of patience and practice (plus knowing your own thoughts and what are not your own thoughts) to succeed in these type of exercises.

Remote Viewing & other psychic techniques ARE a reality. The above exercise (and previous exercises) may seem rather extreme (and improbable) ... but it is possible to extract the 'transmitted' information from your mind. It is just knowing how ... and knowing where it is to find. Plus there is the 'slight' problem of overcoming the logical mind which will provide you with the wrong answers!

Further exercises are to follow. Bear with me ... I'm currently formulating a 'learn how to' workshop and distance learning course at the moment ... so watch this space ...

Over the last couple of decades I've undergone my own self development, plus developed my own 'techniques' which make exercises like these that bit easier to achieve.

I digress, but bear with me ... it will explain one such technique ... a technique which develops the understanding of 'right or wrong' information. Around 15 years ago I was asked by a relatively well known Manchester Medium to work on his Psychic phone line. I was extremely sceptical at the time, having known several people who had been ripped off by the charlatans who man these easy-prey phone lines. However, I decided to give it a go, and soon discovered that 'them upstairs' (my nickname for 'spirit') had set it up to teach me a valuable technique.

Okay, I was surrounded by charlatans in the room where I was to 'work'. But, I proved myself to be anything but a charlatan. Let me explain ... the phone line was set up in such a way that there was no one-to-one conversation between the psychic and the caller. 'Impossible' I hear you cry ... how can that work? Easy ... well not so easy actually. A red light would come on to indicate there was a caller ... I had then to begin the reading with 'anything I had' ... whether the first thing in my head or what was on tarot cards on the table before me. The first few occasions I failed miserably. I could say little at all into the microphone on its stand a few inches away from me. People would hang up after only a few moments.

But then the magic happened. I was soon keeping people on for ten/fifteen/twenty minutes ... sometimes for hours .... but not with crap. I'd began to actually link into the person on the line. I gained a sense of what was on their mind or what their situation was. I began to receive links from 'the other side'. However, it was not clear if this was actually true. That was until the boss's girlfriend had phoned in to try me out and let me know a few days later that I'd been talking to her about her grandmother in spirit and a few family details I couldn't possibly know!!! "How did I do that' she wanted to know? I only smiled ... as it was upstairs' way to let me know I was on the right track.

To further confirm this ... a week or so later ... a close friend of mine at the time rang the phone line one afternoon. I'd gained the sense she was on the other end of the line this afternoon in question and made a note of the time and also a note of the information which was passing through my lips .... a week or two later I bumped into this friend .... who was had been totally blown away by the information I'd given her in the psychic reading!! She was even more shocked to learn that I'd known she'd been on the line at the time yet I couldn't hear the voice on the other end!!! The information I'd given her had been spot on (discussing parts of her life I had absolutely no idea about plus personal information given to her by her late husband through me) ....

Because of the psychic phone line I was able to quickly develop the ability to discern when information was right or wrong. The fact that I had no connection with the person I was reading except on a mental/telepathic link plus I was totally relying on mediumistic ability to receive correct information was the valuable lessons which I was taught at that time in my life .... techniques which have become second nature and essential in this field.