Further Reading

Tuesday 5 August 2008

The Symbolism (perhaps) of '30 P'

Some interesting insights into the symbolism of '30' and 'P':

The Number 30

Represent the perfect balance in the cosmic organisation.

To the Cabalistic, this number is associated with the letter "lamed", and with gematria to the Path of Lamed which 'is one of the most important paths on the Cabbalistic Tree. Like some earlier paths, it leads the journeyer back to the heart of the Tree and to the revelations of Tiphereth, but its occult significance and its closeness to the Divine Mystery of enlightenment is such that much of its Cabbalistic meaning remains hidden. Only initiates who have been suitably prepared and have experienced the Mystery may know the secrets.'

It relates to the Strength card (the women in white healing the red lion) and, just as the figure on the card is female, the Path of Lamed is specifically associated in the Mysteries with Woman (with Demeter and Persephone, with the Shekinah, and with the Scarlet Woman) and with the relationship between human and Divine energies.

At this stage of the journey, the Male energies of the previous Path are given form in the Divine passions embodied in the Female which, through the strength and judgement derived from Sephira 5 (Geburah - 'make me, break me and remake me'), may be brought into equilibrium at Sephira 6.

Through control will come enlightenment and a rebirth which will release the Initiate's full potential. But Lamed, the Ox-goad, indicates that the necessary strength for rebirth on this path will only be learned through the prick of pain.

According to the revelations received by Mary Agreda, the Virgin Mary arrived at the perfect age of 30 years old, and ceased aging.

In the appearances of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes, in 1858, Mary appoints herself in thirty letters, "Che soy era immaculada counceptiou" that, under all reserve, could be translated: "It is in Me that you can conceive the splendor and the perfection of the creation before the sin".

Letter P

P is the numerical equivalent of 16/7 and represents power. It carries with it a commanding influence and possesses much knowledge. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer is likely to think of spiritual matters. Negatively, P can be totally self absorbed with little time to empathize with the concerns of others.