Further Reading

Monday 25 August 2008

Three Quick Images

Three Quick Images - Mon 25th August 2008

High Priestess
Ten of Staves
The Emperor

Ten of Staves depicts an unknown figure held captive in a wooden enclosure. Held there by circumstances out of its control. Unable to lift the wooden enclosure and therefore escape. Convinced perhaps that the wooden posts are too well rooted in the ground to enable freedom. The figure sits in its thralldom between the High Priestess on its left and the Emperor on its right. The Emperor's attention is on the figure in the enclosure, but he is powerless to instruct or enable freedom for the captured figure ... his role in the image, though seemingly superficial .... is very much under the control of the High Priestess. For she is the ultimate decision maker. In her hands she holds the paperwork which will decide the fate of both the prisoner and the Emperor. Her eyes are firmly on the observer who sees all three images. Her gaze is cold and unnerving. Her dedication to the cause which motivates her will not permit to relent as yet.