Further Reading

Friday 29 August 2008

'Where There is Hope, There is a Way ...'

There have been a number of e-mails in the last few days which have asked me to answer the same question. I have therefore, deemed it appropriate, to publish this post under the 'Question Me' category.

The question is a simple one, and is basically in response to a worrying opinion which has been posted elsewhere in cyberspace in the last week ... 'Is she still alive and well?'

My stance, concerning this matter, remains unaltered. My resolve remains slakeless. My feet remain firmly rooted in the same soil as they first did back in May last year.

I still perceive strongly that the answer to this question is YES.

Recent insights, though undeniably cryptic, still report the same intuitive sense of a little girl who is very much in the world of the living. I've received nothing of the contrary. Being very careful to analyse each and every link I receive, in the same way I taught myself to question them a couple of decades ago, I know with certainty the impressions have been received correctly. They relate to the right person and they have been interpreted accurately. There have been no indications of a passing from this world ... all contacts confirm she is STILL on the earth plane.

I still perceive an eventual safe return. However, I do glean the necessity to remain coded with the information that is broadcast into cyberspace relating to the situation. Certain aspects of the information have either been changed slightly, or omitted altogether ... much in the same way as I have been abridging/editing the transcripts from the beginning.

Many thanks to everyone who have e-mailed me recently with their concerns regarding certain posts which appeared elsewhere in cyberspace, which are contrary to my stance ....

I hope this post eases your concern. Let us all remain still hopeful ... where there is hope, there is a way ....