Further Reading

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Defining 'Magical Sacred Space'

Carefully choose the room or area where you intend to undertake undisturbed 'magical' workings, whether it be meditations, pathworkings or full blooded rituals.

Spend a few minutes calming your mind and your energies. Focus on the space. Examine the space in great detail. Feel the energies/vibration there. Become one with the space. Put on some inspiring meditation music, hold a quartz crystal in your hand (this part is not essential ... a personal preference only) ....

Now close your eyes and begin to breathe in deeply. Imagine drawing the energy up from your feet as you breathe in. Hold the breathe for a count of five and exhale for five. Do this three times in total. On the final count .... imagine a fibre of blue light being exhaled through your nostrils. See its entrails in the air in front of you. Quickly 'throw' this energy around the perimeter of the room/area ... so it is seen like a blue line completely encompassing the space.
Repeat the breathing process again and on the final count ... image a fibre of blue light once more, but this time 'throw' this energy so it travels around the space in the opposite direction ... to ensure one protective circle in a clockwise (positive) direction and one in an anti-clockwise (negative) direction ....

Now with the energy band in place, it is time to call in protection ....

I use the simple evocation:

'I call on the forces of the astral who I've used in previous incarnations to provide me protection from the forces which have chosen to do me harm in this incarnation and all my other incarnations. Make your presence felt NOW.'

I repeat this five times. Each time leaving a space for an entity to arrive.

(The presence is felt almost immediately as a moving shadow to my right hand side which creates a coldness in the air in my immediate vicinity).

Once the protector has arrived. Ask; 'please provide me with a name with which to associate with you at this time.'

'Thank you.'

At this point I then mentally direct the protector to the first sentry point ... there are four sentry points, each one representing a cardinal compass point ....

The evocation is then repeated a further three times until each cardinal point has a protecting sentry ....

(Interestingly, I find that each of the protectors will make its presence known in a different way to the other.)

Once the four sentries are in place, it is time to state the intention of the sacred space ... which is spoken out loud to each of the protectors.

Then I will always state:

'Please assist me in lifting the vibration of this sacred space to a point where it acts as a platform where it is easier for ............ (name of presence being contacted) reach. Please aid me NOW. Using my own consciousness as the conduit between the lower and higher planes I ask that you focus and provide your energies to assist in creating a platform of timelessness to assist in better communications ....'

It is at this point I then let the energies in the space still before continuing into the intended working .....

Protectors will almost always make their physical presence felt in the days after the working (interestingly the most recent sacred space working resulted in a black cat making its appearance the very next day ...)